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Tru-Link Fence (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 407
Pac-Man Cereal (Commercial #3, 1984)
Views: 814
Zenith - "Clearance Sale" (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 1155
McDonald's - "Katie" with Heather O'Rourke (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 2655
Polyglycoat - "Polyrasmatazz" (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 2585
Power Jet (Commercial Offer, 1985)
Views: 2008
Grapefruit 45 (Commercial Offer #1, 1985)
Views: 1478
Beadazzler (Commercial Offer, 1985)
Views: 1446
Ginsu II - "New And Improved" (Commercial Offer, 1985)
Views: 2413