WGN Channel 9 - For Whom The Bell Tolls (End Of Break & Bumper, 1979)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 2313

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here's the end of a commercial break and a bumper for a WGN Channel 9 presentation of "For Whom The Bell Tolls". This was listed as "Special Prime Time Movie" in one newspaper but not sure if that's an official title. Includes:

End of Theatrical Movie Trailer for TV for "The Late Great Planet Earth" ("The Last Days of Planet Earth")

WGN People, Places & Things Community Calendar notice (voiceover by Carl Greyson)

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" bumper

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, February 19th 1979 during the 7:30pm to 10:00pm timeframe.



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