WSNS Channel 44 - Partial Break, Sox Slide & Partial Movie Open (1980?)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 2721

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here's some more cool & rare TV-44 footage! A partial commercial break, going into a Chicago White Sox slide promo, and ending with a partial opening to a WSNS Movie Show - could it be the 1:00 Movie? Because we've see that opening before, but this time it's in color! (too bad it's incomplete) (they may have used this opening for several different movie shows) Includes:

Slide PSA for the Bob Kennedy Muscular Dystrophy Summer Camp, with voiceover by Don Ferris.

Quick PSA for Supporting Olympic Athletes - "Without your help, we can't afford to win."

Chicago White Sox slide with voiceover by Don Ferris - "The Best in Sports, The Most In Sports! WSNS TV-44 Chicago."

This aired on local Chicago TV most likely in 1980.



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