The Wonderful World Of Magic - "Night Beat Magician" (1977?)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 4453
By: fuzzymemories
Description: Here is a segment I am jokingly calling the "Nightbeat Magician", from the program "The Wonderful World of Magic" (which starred Bill Bixby as host) that will be especially interesting to Classic Chicago TV fans.

The WGN overnight news program Nightbeat (during it's hey-day in the 70's) used as it's theme a section of the tune heard during this french magician's act - at about a minute and a half into the video. (can anyone make out the guy's name?)
What is the name of the song and what is it's origin? Let's see if we can solve this mystery of the title and composer of the Nightbeat theme now that we have this new bit of evidence. Sounds like it could be from the soundtrack to a movie in the 1950's...
(by the way, has no entry for The Wonderful World Of Magic - I wonder why? Anyone remember what station-day-time this program aired on in Chicago?)
This aired on local Rockford, IL TV likely sometime in 1977. (not Chicago, but close enough)
WMAQ Channel 5 - Le Disco - "Disco Star Wars Magic" (1978)
The Wonderful World Of Magic - "Bill Bixby's Trick Solution" (1977?)
Rolling Stone...The 10th Anniversary - "A Day In The Decade" (1977)
WIFR Channel 23 - The CBS Sunday Night Movies - "That's Entertainment Part 2" (Opening & Partial Break, 1977)
The Magic Den (Commercial, 1977)
Wrigley's Orbit Sugar-Free Gum (Commercial, 1977)
Columbia Record & Tape Club - "Magic Mailbox" (Commercial, 1979)
The Family And Other Living Things (Ending Excerpt, 1978)
NBC Network - "Elvis Has Left The Building" (Part 3, 1977)
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