WTTW Channel 11 - "Hitch Hikers Pledge" (1982)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 3613

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here's the end of a pledge break segment featuring Marty Robinson as well as some other odds and ends before the latest installment of "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" begins. Includes:

Ending of pledge break with Marty Robinson

Multilingual "I subscribe to Channel 11" ad

WTTW Promo for "Casanova" airing Tuesday, December 7th 1982 and Thursday, December 9th 1982 at 10:30pm (Voiceover by Joan Kohn)

Commercial: RC 100 Cola and Decaffeinated RC Cola

I totally forgot that Channel 11 actually used to have commercials! For a public television station - even as early as 1982! Amazing...

Commercial: Zenith Beta Video Recorders

WTTW Weather Update with Joan Kohn voiceover

Commercial: Philadelphia Cream Cheese by Kraft - "Isn't it silly not to use Philly?" (1981 Copyright)

WTTW Station ID

Opening of Hitch Hiker's Guide episode.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, December 5th 1982.



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