WMAQ Channel 5 - "Elsewhere On The Day After" (1983)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 1968
By: fuzzymemories
Description: On the night that The Day After - an ABC presentation about the effects of a full-scale nuclear attack on the United States (and one of the most-watched movies for television) aired, NBC Sunday Night at the Movies aired Part 1 of the mini-series Kennedy. Here's the ending of it and the post-show commercial break. Incidently, the creators of The Day After originally envisioned the movie to also span over multiple nights, but they decided against it after considering that people probably wouldn't tune in for such depressing material two nights in a row.
All in all, I think I would have had a much happier post-1983 childhood if my parents had chosen to watch this instead that night. ;-)
Kennedy - "To Be Continued" bumper
NBC Sunday Night at the Movies bumper (voiceover by Danny Dark)
Commercial: Toyota Tercel Wagon
Commercial: Atari Home Computers with Alan Alda - "What's a Typewriter?"
NBC Preview of tomorrow night's continuation of Kennedy (voiceover by Danny Dark)
Ending credits of Kennedy with WMAQ Channel 5 News voiceover preview by Deborah Norville
NBC Sunday Night at the Movies presentation of Kennedy ending bumper (voiceover by Danny Dark)
NBC Movie Premiere promo for Fort Apache, The Bronx (voiceover by Danny Dark)
Commercial: Family Circle magazine
Commercial: Panasonic copiers - "Tell Your Boss" (main voiceover by John Bartholomew Tucker; ending voiceover by Ed Grennan)
Commercial: Almaden varietal wines
WMAQ Station ID slide & PSA bumper (voiceover by Jim Hill)
(picture quality on the tape was a little washed out)
This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 20th 1983 at a few minutes before 10pm.
The Day After - "Next!" (Promo, 1983)
The Day After (Promo, 1983)
The Day After (Bumper Promo, 1983)
WLS Channel 7 - The Day After (Ending Credits, 1983)
WLS Channel 7 - Ripley's Believe It Or Not - "The Day After" (Ending Credits, 1983)
The Day After - "Sneak Preview" (Promo, 1983)
NBC News Digest - "The Day After Numbers" (1983)
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News At 10 - The Day After (Preview, 1983)
WLS Channel 7 - The Day After (Commercial Break #1, 1983)
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