WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter5 At 10pm (Promo, 1977)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 4035

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here is a two-minute, awesomely overdone promo (in that 70s way) for WMAQ Channel 5's NewsCenter5 At 10pm, starting off with a space motif and a laser-style lightning bolt traveling around the world and then back to Chicago ("From the stars to the planets, from Chicago to the ends of the earth" - voiceover by Brad Crandall), to promote "a new age of electronic journalism" (a reference to the adoption of video-based ENG) and the resources of NBC News. Some of the clips (of news events within the past year) include:

Rescue of hostages from Entebbe Airport

Russ Ewing reporting on what looks like a hostage situation

Flight of prototypical space shuttle Enterprise

President Carter meeting and greeting people

Derailment of Chicago "L" at Lake and Wabash

Death of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley (with Ron Hunter)

Andy Shaw reporting on a Group of 100 preschoolers and their parents at Taylor Homes seeking to break cycle of poverty

Dr. Barry Kaufman reporting from a hospital of 16 patients who underwent operations, five of whom died

Report from a supermarket

Critic-at-large Ron Powers reporting from newspaper printing room

Clip of football game from San Francisco

Clip of burning overturned car

Snippet of weather report from Jim Tilmon with shot of thunder and lightning

Ending shot of anchor Ron Hunter with Don Craig (later of WBBM Channel 2), Jim Tilmon and other reporters converging at the NewsCenter5 set.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, September 25th 1977 during the 12 Midnight to 12:30am timeframe.



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