WBBM Channel 2 - How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Excerpts, 1975)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 3609
By: fuzzymemories
Description: Here's some surviving excerpts of the 1975 airing of a holiday perennial, the animated adaptation of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas on WBBM Channel 2. Includes:
A more complete "Season's Greetings" WBBM Station ID, with the same bumper slide as on here (voiceover by ??) - followed by CBS "bong"
Animated "A CBS Special Presentation" bumper
Opening titles of How the Grinch Stole Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas opening sponsor billboard (for Kellogg's cereals - "Your Best Days Start with Breakfast," and Nestle - makers of Crunch, $100,000 and Choco-Lite candy bars, and Quik chocolate drink mix "for you and your family") (voiceover by ??)
Final moments of last scene of How the Grinch Stole Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas closing sponsor billboard (products same as on opening billboard) (voiceover by ??)
Closing credits of How the Grinch Stole Christmas (with voiceover promos by Bill Martin)
This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, December 12th 1975.
WBBM Channel 2 - "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" (Opening, 1984)
WBBM Channel 2 - A Charlie Brown Christmas (Excerpts, 1975)
WBBM Channel 2 - Community Accents - "Christmas Trees" (1978)
WBBM Channel 2 - Community Accents - "Christmas Concert" (1978)
WBBM Channel 2 - Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper (Opening, 1982)
WBBM Channel 2 - "Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales" (Opening Excerpt, 1982)
WBBM Channel 2 - CBS Special Movie Presentation - "A Christmas Without Snow" (Opening & Break, 1980)
CBS Network - A Charlie Brown Christmas (Opening, 1982)
Neediest Families Christmas Fund (Local PSA, 1978)
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