WGN Channel 9 - The Afternoon Movie - "The Cocoanuts" (Opening & Break, 1981)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 3869
By: fuzzymemories
Description: Here's the opening and first commercial break from The Afternoon Movie presentation of The Marx Brothers' 1929 classic "The Cocoanuts" on WGN Channel 9. Includes:
'WGN Television/24 Hours a Day' ID with "Last Farewell" music (voiceover by Bob Bell)
Opening title segment of The Afternoon Movie featuring clips from various films in their library, with voiceover (Merri Dee) explaining the premise and plot of "The Cocoanuts" and advising it will start "following these announcements" (notice that the CG typesetting misspelled the film's title as "Coconuts"; also notice how Merri and other WGN announcers seem to mispronounce Chico Marx's name as "Cheek-o" rather than his preferred "Chick-o")
Commercial: Creative Mirrors - showing different ways how specially designed mirrors can bring a room to life - "Buy Direct and Save 35%" - Showrooms in Addison, Evergreen Park, Niles and Munster, IN
Commercial offer for The Exterminator from National Shop at Home Service - an electronic device that keeps those unwanted pests away from outdoor family gatherings, through an ultraviolet light with a tiny electric charge (basically, a Bug Zapper) - "Odorless, smokeless, and yet kills thousands of insects on contact" (main voiceover by ?? - ending voiceover by ??)
End of MCA tv fanfare open (with chroma being killed), followed by "The Cocoanuts" opening titles
This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, August 7th 1981 at 12:30pm.
WGN Channel 9 - The Late Movie - "The Cocoanuts" (Opening & Break, 1987)
WGN Channel 9 - WGN Presents - "The Questor Tapes" (Opening, 1981)
WGN Channel 9 - Sunday Matinee - "The Shanghai Chest" (Opening, 1981)
WGN Channel 9 - Movie Greats - "International House" (Opening, 1981)
WGN Channel 9 - Movie Greats - "Guns Of Diablo" (Opening, 1981)
WGN Channel 9 - Sunday Matinee - "Charlie Chan At The Opera" (Opening, 1981)
WLS Channel 7 - The Sunday Afternoon Movie - "Born Free" (Commercial Break #2, 1981)
WGN Channel 9 - "Rodan" (Opening, 1978)
WGN Channel 9 - Movie Greats - "Christmas In Connecticut" (Opening, 1981)
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