WBBM Channel 2 - The Sunday News (Part 4, 1971)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 940

By: fuzzymemories

Description: This clip made possible by the donations from our generous group of "Fuzzketeers" during the January 2012 2" Quad Transfer Fundraiser.

Here's Part 4 of the early edition of The Sunday News on WBBM Channel 2, anchored by Bob Wallace. Includes:

Bob recapping his interview with Mary Gardiner Jones, Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, earlier in the afternoon on the station's Target News broadcast, regarding the FTC's recent visit over the week to Chicago; she spoke with Wallace about an FTC proposal to regulate door-to-door sales (can anyone identify the lady seated next to Bob's left on the clip from that show?)

In other news:

- 26-year-old James Essex charged with arson in connection with a three-alarm fire in a three-story building at 4335 South Vincennes, which took 110 firefighters to put out over 2 hours, caused $10,000 in damages and left 18 families homeless; the fire started by Essex setting fire to his girlfriend's clothes in her 3rd-floor apartment after a quarrel

The Sunday News bumper

Commercial: Bright Side Shampoo - "Light Up Your Hair" - with "Shine System"

Commercial: Ayds Reducing Plan Candy - Contains vitamins and minerals, with no drugs or cyclamates - "You Eat Less So You Want Less" - At All Drug Counters

Brief commercial for Dodge Charger - offer for roof at no extra charge if you buy the car

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, March 28th 1971 during the 5:30pm to 6pm timeframe.



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