WSNS Channel 44 - Chicago White Sox Baseball (Clean Opening, 1978)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 3531

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here's a rarity for you baseball fans out there - the clean opening for Chicago White Sox games as aired on WSNS Channel 44, as it looked before the voices of the announcers and the sponsor billboards were added on for each game.

Ronald Vasser wrote, produced and directed this opening, with editing by Ron Vasser and Mike Torchia.

This copy was dubbed by Marc Claussen and Edward Keker on June 22nd 1978, as shown at the beginning of this clip (with approx. 425 Hz tone beeping on and off):

White Sox Open
"New Dub"
June 22, 1978
1st Generation from Master
1:50 Total Time

"A TV 44 Sports Presentation" voiceover by Mal Wyman.

This looks to me like it was dubbed from the master tape to a VHS, which was then transferred to DVD - too bad the master tape or even a Umatic dub wasn't saved - not that we can afford to be picky. ;-)

This aired on local Chicago TV starting around the second half of the 1978 baseball season.



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