WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "Union Pacific" (Commercial Break #2 & Station ID, 1979)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 1854
By: fuzzymemories
Description: Here's the second commercial break from the When Movies Were Movies presentation of the 1939 film "Union Pacific" on WGN Channel 9. Includes:
Movie bumper slide
Commercial: Lincoln Carpeting - with Al Parker - "30th Anniversary Sell-a-Bration" - offering a free set of stainless-steel tableware by International Silver Co. - and 3 rooms of carpeting (34 square yards, excluding padding and installation) for only $169, less than $10 a month
Commercial: Hamm's Beer - "Beaver Trouble"
Commercial: Hejhal Oldsmobile and Hejhal Honda in Villa Park - "Sell for Less and Service More" (voiceover by ??)
Movie bumper slide
A bit later, in the middle of the film, we see a lower-third "WGN-TV Chicago - Television 9" Station ID (CG typesetting) superimposed over the screen.
This aired on Chicago TV early Monday, June 4th 1979.
WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "Union Pacific" (Commercial Break #1, 1979)
WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "Casablanca" (Opening, 1979)
WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "A Night At The Opera" (Bumper, 1979?)
WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "The Petrified Forest" (Bumper Excerpts, 1972)
WGN Channel 9 - "We're For You" (Promo, 1979)
WGN Channel 9 - The Late Movie - "Duck Soup" (Opening & Break, 1983)
WGN Channel 9 - The Late Movie - "The Cocoanuts" (Opening & Break, 1987)
WBBM Channel 2 - The CBS Wednesday Night Movies - "The Concrete Cowboys" (Opening & Break, 1979)
WGN Channel 9 - WGN Friday Night Movie - "The Incredible Shrinking Man" (Commercial Break, 1980)
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