U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare - "Get a Dumb Checkup" (1976)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 1016

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here's a public service announcement (PSA) from the Social and Rehabilitation Service of the U.S. Department of Health, Education of Welfare, with a young basketball-dribbling man starting out considering skipping a complete physical examination (" . . . a dumb checkup . . . dumb . . . dumb . . . ") before his girlfriend advises him after mentioning she herself went (and has the glasses to prove it) - as part of a push for those under 21 to get a free checkup.

Ending voiceover by ??

Technical Note: This PSA has some interference in it which seems like it was on WGN's end.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, May 2nd 1976.



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