Gigglesnort Hotel (Opening)


Duration: 0:59

Views: 11550

By: fuzzymemories

Description: Here is the opening from one of the best and most remembered Chicago children's shows (although it was eventually syndicated to other markets) - Gigglesnort Hotel.

Even though it was seen for many years after it was produced, the show was only in production for 3 years - 1975, 1976, and 1977. In Chicago, it aired on Sunday mornings on WLS Channel 7.

Bring back the fun!


to purchase some great DVD's of Gigglesnort Hotel. Tell 'em FuzzyMemories sent ya!

Copyright 1982, Bill Jackson. All Rights Reserved.

Our museum's video of the "Gigglesnort Hotel" opening credits were featuring during the Tuesday, January 8th 2008 Voicemail segment on the WGN Morning News.



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