WGN Channel 9 - "Lottery Trainwreck" (1988)
Duration: 0:59
Views: 2473
By: fuzzymemories
Description: Here's an interesting clip - the Illinois Lottery drawing on WGN Channel 9 where on this particular night, the balls did not drop into the mixing chamber for the "Cash 5" game and the winning numbers had to be selected off camera and given via an on-screen scroll about 20 minutes later, during the 7 O'Clock Movie airing of "Vertigo".
Featuring Merri Dee doing the drawing. Not sure who the voiceover is by, although it sounds a little like Joan Kohn. Also features supervision by Sheldon Epstein - partner with the accounting firm of Laventhol & Horwath
The Winning Daily Game number was 4-8-7. The Pick 4 winning numbers were 4-3-1-3. The Illinois State Lottery's Cash-5 game winning numbers were 33-32-09-14-12.
"Here's Merri Dee with todights three Daily Game machines..."
This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, July 18th 1988 at a few minutes before 7:00pm. (and then at 7:21pm)
WGN Channel 9 - "Leap-Day Lottery" (1988)
WGN Channel 9 - The Daily Game Lottery Drawing (1981)
WFLD Channel 32 - "New Lottery Station" (With Rich Koz) (Promo, 1984)
WGN Channel 9 - WGN Thursday Night Movie - "Capone" (Technical Difficulty Moment, 1983)
WGN Channel 9 - The Daily Game & Lotto Drawing (1983)
WGN Channel 9 - Night Beat - "Spooky Lottery Hijinx" (1980)
WFLD Channel 32 - Illinois Lottery Drawing (1986)
WFLD Channel 32 - Illinois Lottery Drawing (1985)
WGN Channel 9 - "Cubs/Sox Mix-Up" (Promo, 1981)
ChitownTVFan 08/13/2016
The music for the drawing sounds familiar, what's it called?
I bet this is not the first time the machines like the one for Ca$h 5 causes technical problems, because during the news on Channel 2, they did a story about the lottery drawing snafu.
Szake 08/13/2016
ChitownTVFan: It is Beethoven's "Fur Elise" but in a "Hooked On Classics" version.
Burr-Rabbitt 07/18/2018
I know some people was mad as heck that night, lol!! The way the words at the bottom of the screen was soooo slow that I can't imagine how the people felt waiting for the numbers to see if they won, lol!!!