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Results for: ' carpet land usa u.s.a u.s.a. carpetland'

Carpetland U.S.A. (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 2608

Here's a commercial for Carpetland U.S.A. featuring their memorable jingle. They had locations in Aurora, Joliet, Merrillville Indiana and Munster Indiana.

"The BEST Price On The BEST Carpets"

This aired on local Chicago TV early Saturday, March 14th 1981.

USA Network - "A Kids Best Friend" (Promo, 1984?)

Views: 2544

Here's a promo for the USA Network's Kids lineup, featuring scenes from Calliope, Pumpkin Creek, USA Super Cartoon Saturday (gee, where have we heard that before?), In a Minute, Scholastic Sports Academy, and the USA Cartoon Express.

The music sounds vaguely Genesis-like. :-)

This aired on local Chicago TV in (I believe) 1984.

Empire Carpet - "Warehouse Tour" (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 4916

Here's a commercial for Empire Carpet featuring some scenes of their warehouse and carpet cutting machine.

Featuring Lynn Hauldren as the Empire Carpet Man.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday March 17th 1982.

Empire Carpet - "Impostors" (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 3885

Here's another Empire Carpet commercial featuring various impostors of the real deal - Lynn Hauldren, the Empire Carpet Man.

"588-2300 - Empire!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 20th 1983.

Empire Carpet - "Proud Of My Home" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 3501

Here's another Empire Carpet commercial featuring Lynn Hauldren, the Empire Carpet Man.

What, no "Empiiiiiiirrre"?

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, October 24th 1981.

Empire Carpets - "That's Not All" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 8215

Here's a commercial for Empire Carpets - the oldest one we have so far.

Features the original Empire jingle as well as the one and only Empire Carpet Man Lynn Hauldren doing the voiceover and seen tacking down the carpet at one point.

Empire Home Service, Inc. - "The Carpet King".

This aired on local Chicago TV in the Summer of 1980.

Land O Lakes Margarine (Commercial, 1978)

Views: 888

Here's an animated Land O Lakes margarine commercial featuring a talking cow.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, November 23rd 1978.

Carpet Forest (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 1620

Here's another presumably short-lived competitor to the big-boys - Carpet Forest. Featuring some over-acting ladies dressed up as Indian women. Question: Did Indians generally hang out in Forests? ;-)

Silliness Factor: 68.5%

Their 2 locations were located at 4803 North Milwaukee and 3115 West Irving Park Road.

I actually wouldn't mind visiting a Carpet Forest. Hopefully, it would have less bugs. ;-)

This aired on local Chicago T...

Empire Carpets - "What's the Name?" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2523

Here's another early commercial for Empire Carpets, featuring Lynn Hauldren as the Empire Carpet Man, installing a carpet for a Mr. Kimstead who'd just gotten the idea to have carpets installed for $6.95 a yard just three days before, doesn't have to make an installment payment for 60 days, and got a free Bissell rug shampooer after buying two rooms of carpeting - but has constant trouble remembering the name and phone number. With the now-famous "588-2300" jingle at the end.
