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Results for: 'Bozo's Circus / The Bozo Show Clips'

WCIU Channel 26 - The Warren Freiberg Show (Part 4, 1981)

Views: 3346

Here's Part 4 of an episode of The Warren Freiberg Show on WCIU Channel 26. In case you weren't familiar with him, Warren Freiberg had some rather "extreme" and "fringe" opinions. He had a radio show, and you may also remember him turning up in little vignettes on Steve Dahl's "It's Too Early" show from 1983.

This part features Warren and Libby continuing their talk with video-recording pioneer (and comic book store pioneer) Larry Charet (yes, the legendary man who accidently r...

WCIU Channel 26 - The Dennis Green Show (Part 3, 1982)

Views: 1300

Here is Part 3 of a (mostly complete) episode of The Dennis Green Show on WCIU Channel 26. Dennis Green was the coach of the Northwestern Wildcats - the college football team of Northwestern University. Co-hosted by Duane Dow - voice of the Wildcats.

Also includes commercials for Old Style beer and WAIT 82 AM throughout the broadcast.

Not sure of the exact date but I believe this is from the Fall of 1982 - can someone find out the exact date?

WCIU Channel 26 - The Dennis Green Show (Part 1, 1982)

Views: 3081

Here is Part 1 of a (mostly complete) episode of The Dennis Green Show on WCIU Channel 26. Dennis Green was the coach of the Northwestern Wildcats - the college football team of Northwestern University. Co-hosted by Duane Dow - voice of the Wildcats.

Also includes commercials for Old Style beer and WAIT 82 AM throughout the broadcast.

Not sure of the exact date but I believe this is from the Fall of 1982 - can someone find out the exact date?

WCIU Channel 26 - The Dennis Green Show (Part 2, 1982)

Views: 1383

Here is Part 2 of a (mostly complete) episode of The Dennis Green Show on WCIU Channel 26. Dennis Green was the coach of the Northwestern Wildcats - the college football team of Northwestern University. Co-hosted by Duane Dow - voice of the Wildcats.

Also includes commercials for Old Style beer and WAIT 82 AM throughout the broadcast.

Not sure of the exact date but I believe this is from the Fall of 1982 - can someone find out the exact date?

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart (Opening, 1975)

Views: 1894

Here's a rare bit of Chicago Kids TV History - seen publically for the first time in over 35 years - footage from TV-44's Popeye with Steve Hart! Includes:

The opening titles and first segment of Popeye with Steve Hart on WSNS Channel 44. This was from an original studio tape, recorded on August 12th 1975.

CG VTR slate with message: "VTR: 770 - Cut: 1 / Air: Mon. 8/18 - Popeye Show Inserts - Steve Hart Productions - Rec: 8/12/75 - M. T....

WGN Channel 9 - The Ray Rayner Show - "The Bye-Bye Show" - "A Merri Goodbye" (Part 5, 1981)

Views: 9203

Here is Part 5 of the final episode of The Ray Rayner Show as shown on WGN Channel 9. Includes:

"Kids in Chicago Having a Good Time" Ray Rayner bumper (Merri Dee voiceover)

Date, Weather, and Sports report shown

A Visit with Cuddley Dudley (Roy Brown)

Merri Dee comes by to say farewell to Ray and give Cud a scratch on the ears

Time shown (Merri Dee voiceover)

Ray Rayner bumper slate


ABC News - "Death of Karl Wallenda" (1978)

Views: 34962

Here is an ABC News report on the death of circus performer and tightrope walker Karl Wallenda, (of The Flying Wallendas) who fell to his death while performing at the age of 73.

From Wikipedia: "Karl attempted a walk between the two towers of the ten-story Condado Plaza Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on a wire stretched 37 metres (121 ft) above the pavement, but fell to his death when winds exceeded 48 kilometres per hour (30 miles per hour). The Wallenda family attributes th...

WTTW Channel 11 - Medical Self-Help Training - "Infant and Child Care" (Part 1, 1963)

Views: 2036

Here's the first part of an edition of an ongoing series called Medical Self-Help Training on WTTW Channel 11, hosted by Dr. Max Klinghoffer, Chairman of the Illinois State Medical Society's (ISMS) Disaster Medical Care Committee. This installment deals with the topic of "Infant and Child Care."

This rare surviving program from the early years of Chicago's "Window to the World" came directly from a 2" Quad tape that was found a few months ago in the basement archives...

NBC News Special Report - "Crisis In Iran: The Turmoil Spreads" (Opening Segment Excerpt, 1979)

Views: 2544

Here's an excerpt of the opening segment of an NBC News Special Report - "Crisis In Iran: The Turmoil Spreads" (before the tape ran out). Features John Chancellor and Judy Woodruff reporting. Includes:

Tonight Show & Tomorrow Show pre-emption notice (voiceover by Roger Tuttle)

This aired on local Detroit TV Wednesday, November 21th 1979.