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Results for: 'On-Screen Station IDs'

WMAQ Channel 5 - Real People (Part 3, 1980)

Views: 1011

Here's Part 3 (the final part) of an episode of the prototypical "reality show" Real People on WMAQ Channel 5.

In this segment, hosts (from L - R) Byron Allen, Skip Stephenson, Sarah Purcell and John Barbour sum up rhyming "thoughts to think about," with John musing about Three Mile Island's nuclear waste, Byron waxing philosophic about Gerald Ford's aborted 1980 Presidential run, Sarah ruminating on credit card charges, and Skip giving the lowdown on housing prices. Wi...

WIIC Channel 11 - 6:30 News Roundup With Len Johnson (1962)

Views: 8047

Exactly 56 years ago today (at 6:30 PM)!

Here's an incredible find - usually anything this old, if I am lucky to find it, is on a 16mm kinescope (remember, in 1962 Quad tape itself was only 6 years old). And even though it's from a Pittsburgh station, it has a very strong Chicago connection, as it is anchored by Len Johnson, whose voice (if not face) will no doubt be very recognizable to people who watched WGN in the 60s, 70s, and very early 80s. He was one of the ub...

WGN Channel 9 - Len Johnson and the News (Part 1, 1965)

Views: 6812

Here's Part 1 of an incredibly rare find - an edition of Len Johnson and the News on WGN Channel 9 from 1965! This was a forerunner to their overnight Night Beat newscast that ran from the late-sixties well into the 1980s.

You'll notice that this was during that awkward transition phase from black-and-white to color with most of the broadcast appearing in black-and-white, but then interspersed by random color commercials and a few color slides.
