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Results for: 'McDonald's Commercials'

WSNS Channel 44 - Bob Luce Wrestling - "Report on Verne Gagne Loss" (1974)

Views: 29639

Transferred direct from 16mm film, here is a film insert (mostly complete, apparently but cuts off at the end) from Bob Luce Wrestling, on WSNS Channel 44.

Al reports on the wrestling championship loss of Verne Gagne.

Camerawork by Bob Varecha.

This report was filmed live at the International Amphitheater on Saturday, July 20th 1974.

Alan J. Dixon - Democrat For Secretary Of State (Political Ad, 1978)

Views: 1603

Here's a political ad for Alan J. Dixon - Democratic (incumbent) candidate for Secretary of State for Illinois. He was the one who introduced photographs on Illinois driver's licenses for the first time.

Featuring Monica McGuire, Sonja Castro, Arthur Woodard, Linda Valentino, Joann Annunzio, and James Folby. (the addresses are fake but maybe the names were real?)

Paid for by Citizens for Dixon - Roy Anthony, Chairman.

This aired on local Chicago ...

A&P Food Stores - "A Butcher Shop with Supermarket Prices" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 1876

Here's a commercial for A&P Food Stores, with a butcher on duty pointing to the right kind of London broil for two women to buy (one with a pretty obvious voice overdub) while on their shopping trip. This scenario was cited as "another reason why you'll do better at A&P."

Ending voiceover by ??, with sale on center cut Chuck Roast (wasn't he a former anchorman here in Chicago?) for 98 cents a pound, available at all Indianapolis area A&P stores through Saturday, August 4th.

Yoda, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2 & Luke Skywalker By Kenner (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 1679

Here's a commercial for the Yoda, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2, and Bespin Luke Skywalker action figures from the Star Wars Empire Strikes Back collection, by Kenner. Similar but different from this later commercial, which focused more on promoting Yoda.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, April 10th 1981. (1980 Copyright - Lucasfilm Ltd.)

1st Metropolitan Builders - "Why Didn't You Bring The Children?" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2243

Here's an earlier commercial for 1st Metropolitan Builders, before they got their handyman spokesman, featuring a daughter and her mother in their newly remodeled kitchen. Same phone number - 282-8600.

Featuring actress Lillian Randolph as the mother. Lillian was in many movies and TV shows such as Amos N Andy, and "It's a Wonderful Life" as Annie, the Bailey's housekeeper. She was also the original voice of the maid on some early Tom & Jerry cartoons. (before it was redubb...

PM Magazine Chicago - "Rocky Horror" (1981)

Views: 2178

Here's a neat story on The Rocky Horror Picture Show musical that aired on PM Magazine Chicago featuring Mike Leiderman.

This is from the master 3/4" tape of the story, so it doesn't have the PM Magazine graphics that were shown on the off-air version.

Note: The audio on this is in stereo, with Leiderman's story voiceover on one channel and the music in another most of the time. (so if you're only hearing one or the other, that's the reason) I didn't g...

The Alcoholism Center Featuring Levar Burton (PSA, 1980)

Views: 2113

Here is a public service announcement from The Alcoholism Center featuring Levar Burton where he addresses the issue of teen drinking problems.

What is that footage of the girl on the beach? From some movie-of-the-week?

The Alcoholism Center
55 East Jackson - Suite 1080
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 663-0610

This aired on local Chicago TV the last week of July 1980.

Medley Moving and Storage (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 896

Here's a commercial for Medley Moving and Storage, delivered by the firm's president Howard Medley. Here, as he describes the company's services ("When it come time for you to move..."), we see a miniature chair being put into a small Medley Movers box which is then put into a toy truck with the Medley name and phone number.

"Growing with Chicago through courtesy and reliability. Growing through word of mouth and cus...

WSNS Channel 44 - Sports Spotlight - "Sleeper Hold" (1979?)

Views: 3263

Here's a rare clip from Sports Spotlight on WSNS Channel 44 featuring wrestler Verne Gagne demonstrating a sleeper hold move on a couple of TV-44 staffers. Not sure who the first guy is, but the guy with the beard is John Dickinson (who was also the producer on the Money Movie)

Also features Dave Condon - columnist for the Chicago Tribune.

Not sure when this aired -...