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Results for: 'Commercials or PSAs with TV/Movie/Sports Stars'

Illinois Lottery Daily Game - "You Can Call It Fun" With Bill Saluga (Commercial #1, 1981)

Views: 2380

Here's a commercial for the Illinois Lottery - The Daily Game - featuring a carnival barker type character named Raymond J. Johnson Jr. played by Bill Saluga. (He was the "You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me..." guy.)

(There is also a slightly different version of the same commercial)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, February 1st 1981.

Illinois Lottery Daily Game - "You Can Call It Fun" With Bill Saluga (Commercial #2, 1980)

Views: 2638

Here's another commercial for the Illinois Lottery - The Daily Game - featuring a carnival barker type character named Raymond J. Johnson Jr. played by Bill Saluga. (He was the "You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me..." guy.)

(This is a slight variation from a previously posted version)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, November 12th 1980.

Spray 'n Wash with Betty White (Commercial, 1976)

Views: 798

Here's a commercial for Spray 'n Wash laundry spot remover featuring Betty White, notable for the fact that it's not mentioned that it's Betty White.

Featuring an "authentic letter from Mrs. John S. Eagle of Redstone Arsenal, Alabama". Still makes me wonder who would write a letter to a cleaning product. Housewives sure were lonely back then.

(C)1975 Morton Norwich Products, Inc.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, May 23rd 1976. (1975 C...

CBS Video Games - Wizard of Wor - With John Madden (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 3116

Here is a commercial for the CBS video game "Wizard of Wor" for the Atari 2600 VCS. (Soon for Colecovision)

Featuring the CBS Video Games Challenge of Champions - Tony Sarkis Vs. Ray Johnson - as well as a money back guarantee (Offer ends January 31st 1983) and some all-star selling by football commentator John Madden.

"Dramatization of actual competition."

This aired on local Chicago TV Saturday, January 15th 1983.

Atari - "Test Facility" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 2003

Here's a commercial from Atari, depicting a test facility for games from the Atari 2600 VCS (Video Computer System).

Features Kareem Abdul-Jabaar going up against Atari's basketball game, race car legend Mario Andretti testing their Night Driver game, and soccer great Pele testing their Pele's Championship Soccer game - and the games beating them all.

Voiceover by Danny Dark?

"We take our games seriously so you have more fun."

Sears Bank & Trust - "Fastest Bank in Town" with Bobby Hull (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 2002

Here's a commercial featuring hockey great Bobby Hull for Sears Bank & Trust - offering such services as savings and checking accounts, and Deposit Credit (maximum credit limit $5,000) to write yourself an "instant loan" - "Out to Be the Fastest Bank in Town".

Features Alexander Calder's The Universe sculpture / artwork in the background near the end of the commercial, which was located in the lobby of the Sears Tower building. (and still is today - at least for n...

Alberto VO5 Hair Spray With Rula Lenska (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 5328

Here's a commercial for Alberto VO5 hair spray with English television and theater "star" Rula Lenska. Also features an Alberto-Culver Silver Anniversary Sweepstakes offer at end where you can win $25,000 in Tiffany money (?)

Relevant Factoid: Son of Svengoolie loved to use her name as a punchline many times, especially in the early years of the show.

"Offer ends August 11, 1979."

This aired on local Chicago TV early Tuesday, February 20th ...

Pac-Man Children's Chewable Multi-Vitamin Plus Iron with Fred Savage (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 3303

Here's a commercial for Pac-Man Children's Chewable Multi-Vitamin Plus Iron, which had no sugar or additives among its ingredients - unlike Flintstones Multi-Vitamins which had 70% sugar.

Featuring a very young Fred Savage, years before he shot to fame as the star of the TV series The Wonder Years.

(C) 1983 Rexall Corporation

"Goodbye, Fred - Hello, Pac-Man."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, January 28th 1983 d...

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "Bothersome Fans" (Promo, 1979)

Views: 3236

Here's a funny promo for Eyewitness News on WLS Channel 7 featuring Joel Daly, Fahey Flynn, Terry Murphy, John Drury, and a pre-fame George Wendt (Norm from Cheers) playing a talkative taxi driver. Also features a glimpse of Dr. Walt Lyons, John Coleman, Bill Frink, and Tim Weigel at the end.

"Eyewitness News - Number One and still getting stronger."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, January 21st 1979.