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Results for: 'Bozo's Circus / The Bozo Show Clips'

WLS Channel 7 - Ending of Friday Night, Special Report, & Opening of Late Night Movie - "I Married A Witch" (1980)

Views: 1505

Here's the ending moments of an edition of Friday Night on WLS Channel 7, hosted by Jay Levine with guests Dr. Robert M. (Bob) Liepert, Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, and co-trainer Mary Ann Mayo (sp?); followed by a Special Report and then the opening moments of the Late Night Movie presentation of the 1942 Fredric March / Veronica Lake film "I Married a Witch" (directed by Rene Clair). Includes:

WBBM Channel 2 - TV2 News at 10 (Part 1, 1972)

Views: 6272

Here's Part 1 of an edition of the TV2 News at 10 on WBBM Channel 2, with Bob Wallace substituting for then-regular anchor Bob McBride, and featuring brief appearances by sportscaster Brent Musburger and weatherman John Coughlin during the opening.

This edition was transferred from the original 2" Quad tape.


Tail end of commercial for A&P supermarkets - "WEO" (Where Economy Originates)

TV2 News at 10 opening, ...

WGN Channel 9 - The Pink Panther (Commercial Break, 1981)

Views: 3318

Here's a commercial break from The Pink Panther on WGN Channel 9. Includes:

Ending of "The Inspector" cartoon (based loosely on Peter Sellers' "Inspector Clouseau" character in The Pink Panther movies)

"The Pink Panther will be right back" animated bumper (part of the actual show, not locally created)

Record offer for Denim from K-tel, with country hits including "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson, "A Headache Tomorro...

WBBM Channel 2 - New Year's Eve: Chicago Style with Chuck Berry and Henny Youngman (Excerpts, 1978/1979)

Views: 1642

Here are some partial excerpts of WBBM Channel 2's 1978/1979 edition of New Year's Eve: Chicago Style, with Chuck Berry ripping it up on the stage at the Park West (322 West Armitage Avenue). Featuring Henny Youngman and Bob Sirott at the aforementioned venue, and Bob Wallace at Arnie's. Includes:

Henny and Bob Sirott inquiring as to what Chuck is to play, and the rock 'n' roll pioneer rambling on about his suit and how "I wanna rock!", before he starts on a long versi...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Larry Lujack" - Svengoolie's Brain Busters (Segment #1-1, 1973)

Views: 614

Here's another segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop. By this point, if the clapboard is of any indication, the SYT title had been eschewed in favor of Svengoolie.

This segment (#1-1) is from Show #61 (according to the clapboard), with guest Larry Lujack. A picture of the legendary Chicago "superjock," who was holding court at WCFL AM ...

Two Guys From Muck (Opening, 1982)

Views: 2035

Here is a (mostly complete) opening from a forgotten pilot, Two Guys From Muck. (The audio doesn't come in until about four seconds into this clip.) The credits (with pertinent shots of the actors involved) are as follows:

Starring Adam Arkin, Rick Casorla, Gwen Humble, and Graham Jarvis as Editor Davis

Special Guests (in alphabetical order): Victor Buono, Jill St. John, Larry Storch

Executive Producers - Lee Rich and Philip Capice

WFLA Channel 8 - Channel 8 Reports (Part 1, 1965)

Views: 1565

Here's Part 1 of an edition of Channel 8 Reports on WFLA Channel 8 in Tampa / St. Petersburg, Florida, anchored by Arch Deal.

This newscast was transferred from a 2" Quad tape that was found in, of all places, the coat closet of former Chicago TV news anchor Jim Ruddle.


Station ID slide with "TV Channel 8" jingle

Arch Deal opening the newscast, followed by sponsor billboard for West Coast Rambler Dealers (voiceover b...

JFK's First Trip to Chicago - "Lost" 16mm Footage (1961)

Views: 1356

Not really TV related, but it's pretty incredible - and historically significant - "lost" footage (not known to have been publicly seen until now) of President John F. Kennedy on a trip to Chicago, his first as President, on April 28th 1961.

After a few seconds of dirty leader, the film starts off with Air Force One arriving at the airport, followed by Kennedy and his contingent stepping off and him being greeted by a crowd. The President then shakes hands with various officia...

WTTW Channel 11 - The Storyteller - "Pickle-Chiffon Pie" (1969)

Views: 3268

Here's an episode of The Storyteller on WTTW Channel 11, hosted by Val Bettin. This was Episode #53, a reading of the book "Pickle-Chiffon Pie" by Jolly Roger Bradfield (read by permission of the publisher, Rand McNally & Company), from a 3/4" dub of the original 2" quad master tape, recorded on February 22nd 1969. This was also one of WTTW's early color productions.


Brief shot of production slate, with intermittent tone of approx. 415 Hz emitt...