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Results for: ' land o lakes o'lakes margarine cow animated cartoon'

WFLD Channel 32 - Afternoon Fun - Casper (Commercial Break #3 - Partial, 1981)

Views: 1314

Here's the (partial, incomplete) third commercial break for an edition of Casper on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:

Casper bumper (voiceover by Dr. Don Rose)

Commercial: Cheerios - with stick-figure archer losing his grip before filling up on the "low sugar" cereal (this, long before it became "heart healthy") - (C) 1980 General Mills, Inc.

Commercial: Rev'n Roll Raceway from Tomy - a loop racetrack with cars, ramps, and remote control ...

WCFC Channel 38 - "Shining On Chicago" (Station ID, 1987)

Views: 3251

Here's an animated station ID for WCFC TV-38 in Chicago, complete with their jingle at the time.

This aired on local Chicago TV likely on Sunday, September 13th 1987.

Vlasic Pickles - "Now That's The Best Tastin' Pickle I Ever 'Hoid!" (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 2465

Here's a memorable animated commercial for Vlasic Pickles with people doing Groucho Marx impressions. Also features the Vlasic Pickle Stork.

"Now that's the best tasting pickle I ever heard!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, September 24th 1982.

Bowl Power - "Cleans Better" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 1374

Here's an animated commercial for Bowl Power - the automatic bowl cleaner by Lysol - featuring the house at 58 Rock Road.

Boy, they sure put in a lot of time and money just to advertise toilet bowl cleaner.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, November 26th 1980.

WYCC Channel 20 - "First Broadcast" (Part 1, 1983)

Views: 2574

Here's Part 1 of the first broadcast of WYCC Channel 20, which rose from the ashes of the previous occupant of the Channel 20 dial, WXXW, that had left the air in 1974. Includes:

11 seconds of station ID, with '20' blinking on and off, followed (after cut off of that section on tape) by 48 seconds of message on screen (orange type on dark blue background):


WBBM Channel 2 - "Happy New Year!" (Bumper, 1980)

Views: 2516

Here's a short animated bumper for New Year's Day on WBBM Channel 2 featuring the "Two" wearing a party hat and blowing a noise maker.

Voiceover by Jerry Harper.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Tuesday, January 1st 1980.

Dolly Madison Zingers - "The Zinger Zapper" (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 3769

Here's one of the Zinger Zapper commercials finally! Featuring the animated Peanuts characters and a disapproving Dolly Madison logo. :-)

"Dolly Madison Treats You Right"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, October 25th 1982. (1981 Copyright)

FM 100 - "Beautiful Music Above The Noise" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 3460

Here's another animated commercial for FM 100 ( WLOO 100.3 FM ).

(quality's a little bad, but this is the only copy I've found of this one)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 4th 1979.

Avco - "Jingle Bills Loan" (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 1483

Here's an animated holiday commercial for Avco - America's Personal Loan Company - advertising their "Jingle Bills Loan".

"It'll Make Ends Meet."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, December 6th 1983.