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Results for: ' Detroit TV Station Clips'

WMAQ Channel 5 - "V" (Bumper, 1985)

Views: 2575

Here's a bumper for "V" the series, with an onscreen station ID for WMAQ Channel 5. Notice that this one is slightly different and a little shorter than the one without the Station ID.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, February 8th 1985.

Bergner's - "Christmas Toyland" (Commercial, 1964?)

Views: 1446

Yes, it's Christmas in July here at FuzzyMemoriesTV!

Here's a "Toyland" ad for Bergner's - a famous department store in Peoria, IL at the Sheridan Village Shopping Center.

Music is a quirky instrumental of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

"It's a mad, mad world of holiday fun..." (Could this be a reference to the film?)

Not sure when this aired exactly, but based on various evidence Christmastime of 1964 seems a good...

WBBM Channel 2 - "Have Your Children Done Their Homework?" (Station ID, 1979)

Views: 2032

Here's a station ID slide from WBBM Channel 2 with the "Project Learning" logo and a voiceover message (by Bob Carrington) asking if your children had done their homework yet. This is followed by the "CBS Bong".

This was along the lines of such famous top-of-hour messages as this one from WNEW (now WNYW) Channel 5 in New York (future sister station to our own WFLD Channel 32) that asked (and still asks) ever...

WMBD Channel 31 - "The Streets Of San Francisco" (Bumper Promo, 1978)

Views: 1935

Here's a quick bumper promo slide for The Streets of San Francisco, weeknights at 10:30pm on WMBD-TV Channel 31 in Peoria, Illinois.

Voiceover by ??

This aired on local Peoria TV on Wednesday, October 11th 1978. (not Chicago, but close enough)

Pizza Hut - "Sox Placemats" (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 7436

Here's a commercial for Pizza Hut with a Sox Placemat promotion that was also affliated with WFLD Metromedia 32, the Sox station at the time.

Featuring Carlton Fisk and Rich Dotson of the Chicago White Sox.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, June 10th 1984.

WSNS Channel 44 - TV44 Sports Spotlight with Jim Durham - "The San Diego Chicken, Pre-Demolition" (Part 1, 1979)

Views: 1238

Here's a special and rare treat for the 35th Anniversary of the infamous "Disco Demolition" event! (please excuse the ghosty picture quality and buzzy audio)


Part 1 of the TV44 Sports Spotlight with Jim Durham, with the San Diego Chicken (a.k.a. Ted Giannoulas) as guest, as aired on WSNS Channel 44 just before the first game of a proposed doubleheader with the Detroit Tigers that was followed by the infamous "Disco Demolition Night." Inc...

WLS Channel 7 - "Martin Luther King, Jr. - 1929-1968" (Station ID, 1981)

Views: 1903

Here's a simple station ID slide from WLS Channel 7 that also commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

Voiceover by Al Parker.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, January 15th 1981 at 3pm.

WGN Channel 9 - Station Sign-On (1980)

Views: 8499

Here is a mostly complete Station Sign-On from WGN Channel 9. The National Anthem was cut.

The announcer doing the Station ID at the beginning is Carl Greyson and the voiceover for the Sign-On is Steve Hunter.

Followed by "WGN Television - 24 Hours a Day" ID with "Last Farewell" music (voiceover by Steve Hunter); which in turn is followed by part of opening titles of William Tell (a.k.a. The Adventures of William Tell), a British-produced syndicate...

The Wonderful World Of Magic - "Night Beat Magician" (1977?)

Views: 4401

Here is a segment I am jokingly calling the "Nightbeat Magician", from the program "The Wonderful World of Magic" (which starred Bill Bixby as host) that will be especially interesting to Classic Chicago TV fans.

The WGN overnight news program Nightbeat (during it's hey-day in the 70's) used as it's theme a section of the tune heard during this french magician's act - at about a minute a...