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Results for: ' Pledge Breaks and Telethon Segments'

WTTW Channel 11 - Auction '77 - "Creative Mirror Designs Original Ad with Pam" (1977)

Views: 922

Here's a segment of WTTW Channel 11's Auction '77, featuring Creative Mirror Designs auction #9415 with Pam the "Creative Mirrors Girl." (the daughter of the owner)

We start with a countdown and paper written down:
"Special Pres. - 4-17-77 - Creative Mirrors 9415"

What follows next was actually the original Creative Mirrors commercial (or at least the first 13 seconds of it before Don Ferris takes over for the actual Auction segment). This a...

WTTW Channel 11 - Summerfest '79 (Pledge Break #1, 1979)

Views: 1882

Here's the first pledge break for Summerfest '79 on WTTW Channel 11. This segment features Cherie Mason and WCLR Radio personality Paul Brian; and, in a short film, Dick Orkin (by then famous for a series of radio ads he did with Bert Berdis) and a pre-fame Shelley Long. Includes:

Ending of segment with Charles Aznavour, with voiceover (by ??) teasing an upcoming appearance by Jane Olivor

Summerfest '79 video bumper

Start of pledge ...

WTTW Channel 11 - Summerfest '79 (Pledge Break #2, 1979)

Views: 1855

Here's the first pledge break for Summerfest '79 on WTTW Channel 11. This segment features Cherie Mason and WCLR Radio personality Paul Brian. Includes:

Ending of segment with Jane Olivor, with voiceover (by ??) pledging a joint appearance by her and Charles Aznavour after the break

Summerfest '79 video bumper

First shot of this break consisting of Cherie holding up phone receiver and announcing phone number, and then showing example...

WTTW Channel 11 - "Its A Wonderful Pledge" (1987)

Views: 1923

Here is a hilarious and creative parody piece combining the ethos of Pledge Breaks with the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life".

Former WTTW staffer and Emmy-award-winning producer Rick Kotrba recalls, "It was originally produced in December 1986 for party festivities at the WTTW studios. I was the writer/creator. The technician who recorded the sound and edited the video was Harvey Moshman.

In March 1987, this abridged version was created for broadc...

WTTW Channel 11 - Festival '77 (Pledge Break, 1977)

Views: 2945

Here's an excerpt from the Festival '77 pledge drive on WTTW Channel 11.

This clip starts at the end of a performance of "One O'Clock Jump" with such legends as clarinetist Benny Goodman, singer Ella Fitzgerald, trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie (the fella dancing with Ella), and Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson trumpeter/bandleader Doc Severinsen, as from the program All-Star Swing Festival, a tribute to the late Louis Armstrong which was taped at Philharmonic ...

WCFC Channel 38 - Fall Praise-A-Thon (Excerpt & Channel Switching, 1983)

Views: 2699

Here's a segment from the Fall Praise-A-Thon on WCFC Channel 38, coming in about 25 seconds into this clip after channel switching.

This starts with channel switching (from cable TV) from an excerpt from Boone episode "Chance of a Lifetime" (which aired on WMAQ Channel 5; featured Barry Corbin and Thomas Byrd) to a "Job Mart" on cable channel with soft rock song (can any music experts here apprise as to what it is?) to a film about computers and mathematics (proba...

WTTW Channel 11 - Auction '75 (Excerpt, 1975)

Views: 3875

Here's some more results from the open reel transfers financed by our generous group of Fuzzketeers during the Reel Transfer Fundraiser #1. Look for a lot more, coming soon!

This is an (unfortunately very short) rare excerpt from Auction '75 which aired on WTTW Channel 11. To my knowledge, this is the only existing video footage that anyone has found of the WTTW Auctions that they used to do (anyone know when they stopped doing these?)

Featured is ...

WGN Channel 9 - Bozo's Circus - "Frazier's Pledge" (1978)

Views: 2348

Here's a segment from Bozo's Circus on WGN Channel 9, featuring Frazier Thomas reciting an uber-patriotic dissection of the Pledge of Allegiance. (which came from an old Red Skelton record, apparently, as Frazier notes, "on Columbia Records...and Published by Valentine Music").

You can see Red Skelton reciting this piece himself, here.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, July...

WTTW Channel 11 - Monty Python's Flying Circus - "Missing Political Choreographer Opening" (1980)

Views: 2767

Well this is something pretty darn rare. Here's the opening of a WTTW Channel 11 broadcast of an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. It was the episode "A Book at Bedtime" (originally from 1973 - Season 3; Episode 12). Sound ordinary so far? Well, it isn't. The opening of the show includes a sketch that has essentially been lost.

The official DVD release of this episode doesn't have it (known as the "Political Choreographer" sketch) - in fact, the

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