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Results for: ' carpet land usa u.s.a u.s.a. carpetland'

Lees Carpet - "Live the Life of LEES" (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 899

Here's a commercial for Lees Carpet. Made Better By Burlington.

(C) Burlington Industries, Inc. 1982.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, March 11th 1982.

USA Network - Dance Party USA (Ending, 1987)

Views: 1912

Here's the ending moments of Dance Party USA on USA Network, hosted by Andy Gury. Includes:

Promo for Bumper Stumpers, for weekdays at 4:30pm (3:30 Central) (voiceover by ??)

Dance Party USA animated bumper

Andy Gury closes the show with preview of next day's edition, including an appearance by Pretty Poison, as well as an upcoming taping of an outdoor edition for July 4th, and introducing Pseudo Echo's cover of "Funkytown" wh...

Empire Carpets - Carpet Myth #1 (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 1537

Here is an Empire Carpets commercial circa 1984.

Did they just kill that old lady?

WBBM Channel 2 - The All Electric Magik Lantern Moving Picture Show - "Land Of The Pharaohs" (Bumper #2, 1978)

Views: 2232

Here's another example of a bumper from "The All Electric Magik Lantern Moving Picture Show" - which was what WBBM Channel 2 called their Late Late Movie. On this night the presentation was "Land of the Pharaohs".

You can hear they used an excerpt from a piece of classical music during the bumpers - anyone know what it is?

This aired on local Chicago TV early Monday, December 18th 1978.

WBBM Channel 2 - The All Electric Magik Lantern Moving Picture Show - "Land of the Pharaohs" (Bumper #1, 1978)

Views: 2885

Here's an example of a bumper from "The All Electric Magik Lantern Moving Picture Show" - which was what WBBM Channel 2 called their Late Late Movie. On this night the presentation was "Land of the Pharaohs".

You can hear they used an excerpt from a piece of classical music during the bumpers - anyone know what it is?

This aired on local Chicago TV early Monday, December 18th 1978.

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart - "This Song is Your Song" (1975?)

Views: 1265

Here's another segment from Popeye with Steve Hart on WSNS Channel 44.

This time Steve Hart, Little K and guitarist/singer Mike Lazar (of Lazar's Juvenile Furniture) do their rendition of "This Land is Your Land" whose lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie, as well as McNamara's Band and a melody of jazzed-up nursury rhymes including Old King Cole, Little Miss Muffet, Jack Sprat, Hey Diddle Diddle, and Humpty Du...

Magikist Carpet & Rug Cleaners (Commercial Excerpt, 1982?)

Views: 3405

Here's an excerpt of a rare commercial for Magikist - whose signs of red lips we all remember seeing around Chicago at different spots - I personally remember seeing the one on the Eisenhower.

Magikist Carpet & Rug Cleaners - Chicago and Suburbs.

Not sure when this aired exactly yet, but I believe it's from 1982.

Empire Carpets - Carpet Myth #3 (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 1498

Here is an Empire Carpets commercial circa 1984.

Empire Carpets - "Kiddie Look-Alike" (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 2424

Here's another Empire Carpets commercial - featuring a pint-sized version of Lynn Hauldren (Empire Carpet Man). The child in this commercial was Jason Kane, who grew up to be a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Physician at Children's Memorial Hospital. (Just goes to show you where doing an Empire commercial can take you.)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, March 13th 1983.