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Results for: ' river view park theme'

Toys "R" Us (Christmas Commercial #2, 1984)

Views: 2033

Here's another Christmas themed "I Don't Wanna Grow Up.." Toys "R" Us commercial featuring Geoffrey the Girafee and the Talking Viewmaster with Michael Jackson "Thriller" cartridge, View Master Show Beam Projector, and the View Master Cabbage Patch Kid 3D Viewer set with cartridges.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, December 11th 1984.

WCIU Channel 26 - Black's View Of The News (Brief Excerpt, 1970)

Views: 5738

Here is a very brief excerpt of the show "Black's View of the News" on WCIU Channel 26, hosted by Don Cornelius of Soul Train fame.

You can see Don taking calls from people - having them call in to 663-9553. He is asking people who the most effective and relevant black leader is - to which the caller answers Jesse Jackson - certainly true for the time I would say. You can also see an old WCIU-TV 26 logo placard in the background.

This excerpt was found on a two...

Harris Bank - Internal Promotional Film (Workprint) (Part 1, 1982)

Views: 1827

Here's Part 1 of something pretty neat and rare - a workprint of an internal promotional film from Harris Bank of Chicago, titled Honesty and Fair Dealing: An Introduction to the Harris Bank and the People Who Make It Work, produced for the company's 100th anniversary in 1982. (although maybe it's just the slightly washed-out and dirty work print, this almost seems like it could be from about 1977 - right down to the funky music. I do know that bank culture always seems to be a bit be...

Old Chicago - "Charlie Baffle" (Commercial, 1977)

Views: 19134

Here's a rare commercial (one of only two I've found so far) for the combination shopping mall & indoor amusement park called Old Chicago! This one features Charlie Baffle - "Mayor" of Old Chicago.

Old Chicago was located in Bolingbrook.

This aired on local Chicago TV sometime between April 10th - April 15th 1977.

WTTW Channel 11 - Sounds of Summer - "Joni Mitchell - Get Together" (1969)

Views: 1770

In this spirit of healing the divisions of this country in these contentious times, we bring you this video. :-)

Here is another FuzzyMemoriesTV Exclusive! - a segment from a long-thought-lost concert that was videotaped by NET (National Educational Television, the predecessor to PBS) at Southern Illinois University (SIU) and shown locally in Chicago on WTTW Channel 11 in an installment of a program called "The Sounds Of Summer – Mississippi River Festival".

Marriott's Great America (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 3960

Here's another commercial for Marriott's Great America.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, July 3rd 1980 during the 8:30-9am half hour.

I Remember Riverview (Part 1, 1984)

Views: 5152

Here's Part 1 of a documentary that original aired on Image Union - I Remember Riverview, about Riverview Park - for 63 years located at Belmont and Western on the Northwest side - which closed in 1967.

Produced by Chicagoan Phil Ranstrom - who also produced the documentaries, "Cheat You Fair: The Story of Maxwell Street" - and "Electrified: The Story of the Maxwell Stree...

Santa's Village - "You Haven't Seen It" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 3121

Here's a neat commercial for Santa's Village in Dundee, IL.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Tuesday, August 7th 1979.

Santa's Village - "Ticket To Fun" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 3839

Here's another classic commercial for The Three Worlds of Santa's Village in Dundee, IL.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Wednesday, August 1st 1979.