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Results for: ' thinking'

WMAQ Channel 5 - Editorial 5 - "Deep Tunnel in Deep Trouble" (1979)

Views: 1823

Here's an editorial by Dillon Smith, Editorial Director of WMAQ Channel 5, about the massive cost overruns that have been plaguing Chicago's deep tunnel project that was intended to allow rain water to flow through reservoirs and keep out polluted water.

Dillon cites how estimates of its cost (which politicians have had no concern about, due to the federal government shelling out the money) have gone up from $3 billion to $7 billion to a more recent General Accounting Office es...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Larry Lujack" (1972)

Views: 2591

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #2 from an unknown episode number features Larry Lujack - "Superjock" disc jockey from (at the time) WLS-AM 890 radio.

I'm thinking that "SYT #1" as the clapboard person says, refers to the fact that it's Movie #1. (2 movies a night were shown for most of the run of SYT)


Snipets - "Body Pride" (1976?)

Views: 1739

HERE'S ANOTHER LONG LOST SNIPETS SEGMENT! Features a young Black/Asian (?) lad, contemplating his physical features, while we hear his internal monologue.

This one actually came from 16mm film and interestingly, includes the opening and closing Snipets bumpers - the Kaiser Broadcasting variation no less.

This is one of the "Pride Has Many Faces" series of Snipets of which t...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Eyeball Calisthenics" (1972)

Views: 2127

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #6 from an unknown episode number features a Svengoolie "public service" - eyeball calisthenics to help you stay awake!

You also get to see one of the rare times that Svengoolie appears without wearing his sunglasses.

I'm thinking that "SYT Theater #1" as the clapboard person s...

WFLD Channel 32 - Scared Straight! (Part 4, 1979)

Views: 567

Here's Part 4 of the controversial Academy Award-winning documentary Scared Straight! (hosted and narrated by Peter Falk) as aired on WFLD Channel 32. This was from an "encore presentation." Includes:

"27 Years" orders the audience members to sit up, and gets into the face of several of them, even so far as to threaten to bite off the nose of one teen; he bluntly points out that what they see on TV is "fantasy," and that in real life when one does time, they do time...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Norman Mark" (1972)

Views: 2754

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #2 from an unknown episode number features Norman Mark, who at the time was TV/Radio columnist for the Chicago Daily News. He would later go on to review films on WMAQ Channel 5 with "Norman's Mark".

Norman Mark references "Sig Sakowicz" (a popular Svengoolie gag) - he was a tv and radio per...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Professor Irwin Corey" (Break #1, 1972)

Views: 1258

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #1 from an unknown episode number features "Professor" Irwin Corey - from Mr. Kelly's. He's a comedian who is still around! Check out his website and some other information.

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Professor Irwin Corey" (Break #2, 1972)

Views: 1691

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #2 from an unknown episode number again features "Professor" Irwin Corey - from Mr. Kelly's. He's a comedian who is still around! Check out his website and some other information.

WBBM Channel 2 - New Year's Eve: Chicago Style with Chuck Berry and Henny Youngman (Excerpts, 1978/1979)

Views: 1605

Here are some partial excerpts of WBBM Channel 2's 1978/1979 edition of New Year's Eve: Chicago Style, with Chuck Berry ripping it up on the stage at the Park West (322 West Armitage Avenue). Featuring Henny Youngman and Bob Sirott at the aforementioned venue, and Bob Wallace at Arnie's. Includes:

Henny and Bob Sirott inquiring as to what Chuck is to play, and the rock 'n' roll pioneer rambling on about his suit and how "I wanna rock!", before he starts on a long versi...