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Results for: 'Commercials or PSAs with TV/Movie/Sports Stars'

McDonald's - "Katie" with Heather O'Rourke (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2634

Here is a commercial for McDonald's featuring the little girl from the movie Poltergeist - Heather O'Rourke.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, July 30th 1980.

La Preferida Foods With Harry Caray (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 6416

What comes to mind when you think of Harry Caray? If you said Mexican Food products, you'd be correct! Here's a commercial for La Preferida Foods featuring the late, great Sox and Cubs broadcaster.

(Remember, "La Preferida" backwards is "Adireferp Al")

Question for everyone: "If you were a taco, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?" I know I would!

This aired on local Chicago TV early Saturday, September 20th 1980.

Bubble Fudge With Johnny Bench (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 3191

Here's a commercial for Bubble Fudge soft bubble gum from Super Bazooka - featuring Johnny Bench and his nephew Timmy.

Music composed by Michael Small.

"Even if you can't blow bubbles - fudge it."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, July 14th 1979.

Taco Bell with Jim McMahon (Commercial, 1987)

Views: 1322

Here's a commercial for Taco Bell with Jim McMahon of the Chicago Bears, sitting atop a police car and promoting the restaurant chain's new Steak Fajitas.

"I don't wear rubber watches..."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, August 20th 1987 during the 10pm to 10:30pm timeframe.

The Protector with Mike Ditka (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 1708

Here's a commercial for The Protector Total New Car Protection system featuring legendary Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka.

The Protector system features Rustproofing, Fabric-Shield and Paint-Shield.

"Hang tough!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, August 16th 1983.

Cheetos - "The Big Cheese" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2294

Here's a commercial for Cheetos featuring comedian Jonathan Winters as a Scoutmaster.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, April 1st 1980. (1979 Copyright)

Tuffy Mufflers With Jimmy The Greek - "It's A Sure Thing" (Commercial, 1978)

Views: 4821

Here's a commercial for Tuffy Mufflers (They're known as Tuffy Auto Service Centers now) featuring the former sports broadcaster and odds maker, Jimmy the Greek.

This aired on local Detroit TV on Tuesday, May 9th 1978. (Not Chicago TV, but still cool!)

National Fire Protection Association - "Have 2 Ways Out" (PSA, 1988)

Views: 1325

Here's another Public Service Announcement from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) featuring Dick Van Dyke - one of the "Learn Not To Burn" series. In this one, Dick shows us how a gopher has two ways out and that we should too.

This aired on local Chicago TV around February 1988.

Coleco - Adam - "Is This Legal?" (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 2285

Here's another commercial for the Adam Computer by Coleco.

Features actress Lori Loughlin of "Full House" fame.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, January 16th 1984.