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Results for: ' Star Wars Making of / Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes'

WFLD Channel 32 - Son Of Svengoolie - "The Worst Of Svengoolie" (Part 3, 1983)

Views: 1700

Here's Part 3 of a Son of Svengoolie Special - "The Worst of Svengoolie" featuring Jonathan Brandmeier ("Johnny B") who had recently joined WLUP FM 98 - The Loop.

This part features Sven introducing The Worst Songs (Part 1) - Featuring scenes from "Blood of Dracula", "Godzilla Vs. the Smog Monster", "I Was a Teenage Werewolf", "Dr. Orloff's Monster", and "Attack of the Killer Chihuahuas in 3-D". ;-)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, October 29th 1983...

WBBM Channel 2 - A Merry Olde Christmas (Part 2, 1984)

Views: 1510

Here's Part 2 of A Merry Olde Christmas, a look at Christmas celebrations in and around London, England that was hosted by Bob Wallace and aired on WBBM Channel 2. From the original master tape. Includes:

"We now return to A Merry Olde Christmas" bumper (voiceover by ??)

Shots of double-decker buses passing by London streets, traffic travelling on two-way streets whose directions are the reverse of U.S. streets, police "bobbies," pigeons in Hyde P...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "The Monolith Monsters" (Show #150) (Ending, 1982)

Views: 2293

Here's the ending segment of Show #150 of Son of Svengoolie on WFLD Channel 32. The movie aired on this day was the 1957 film "The Monolith Monsters," starring Grant Williams, Lola Albright and Les Tremayne. Includes:

Sven in his coffin advising that next week, SoS will be preempted by White Sox baseball, and he will be back with two shows two weeks from now - "Frankenstein" (1931) on Friday, June 25th at 8pm (a "Friday Night Fright, Sven Summer Special"), and "...

WFLD Channel 32 - That's Panthertainment (Bumper, 1980)

Views: 934

Here's a bumper for That's Panthertainment - a special on WFLD Channel 32 that was produced to promote the opening of The Revenge of the Pink Panther. It has some press junket interviews with the stars as well as outtakes and scenes from all of the Pink Panther movies.

This special aired three times on WFLD - Tuesday, November 7th 1978, Monday, July 14th 1980, and Thursday, August 14th 1980. This bumper is most likely from the Monday, July 14th airing (Which was eerily presci...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son Of Svengoolie - "The Worst Of Svengoolie" (Part 4, 1983)

Views: 1903

Here's Part 4 of a Son of Svengoolie Special - "The Worst of Svengoolie" featuring Jonathan Brandmeier ("Johnny B") who had recently joined WLUP FM 98 - The Loop.

This part features The Worst Songs (Part 2) - with scenes from "Attack of the Mushroom People". And then, The Worst of Svengoolie Medley by Son of Svengoolie & The Graves-tones.

Commercial Break:

The Swiss Colony Gift Catalog
Royal Chrysler-Plymouth (different one)

TV Guide - "That's Entertainment" (Commercial, 1985)

Views: 1981

Here's a commercial for TV Guide featuring their "That's Entertainment" jingle sung by Hot Fudge Show star Larry Santos.

This aired on local Chicago TV in January 1985.

Chicago White Sox - "Na-Na Hey-Hey Goodbye" (Commercial, 1978)

Views: 5298

Here's a memorable commercial for the White Sox - featuring fans singing "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam, first popularized during White Sox games by team organist, Nancy Faust. Featuring a young Kathy Griffin (in her first acting job, years before making it big as a comedian and TV personality) wearing braids and Sox hat and playing a kazoo, all the way at the far left of the screen in the second row around :15 (among the attendant Sox fans), and Theodore "Ted" Noose as the traffi...

WGN Channel 9 - WGN Thursday Night Movie - "Taxi Driver TV Disclaimer Ending" (1982)

Views: 12567

On WGN Channel 9, the Thursday Night Movie one particular evening was Martin Scorsese' Taxi Driver - what you might call a "difficult" film to air on regular broadcast television. Besides making some comical expletive overdubs, they added this curious disclaimer to the end of the film, which was not present in the theatrical or DVD releases, as seen here:

"TO OUR TELEVISION AUDIENCE - In the aftermath of violence, the distinction between hero and villain is sometimes a matter ...

Airline by MPH (Commercial, 1977)

Views: 1734

Here's a commercial for a board game called Airline by MPH ("The Making People Happy people"). This Monopoly-similar game allowed the player to control the world's largest international airline - if you could handle the risks. A map of the world, plus key airline routes, are on the board, as well as major destinations on the outer edge where each player lands. Also comes with dice and colored chips. For 2 to 4 players.

A British equivalent of this board game (...