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Results for: ' FYI Segments with Hal Linden'
WGN Channel 9 - Miles Showcase Theatre - "The Maltese Falcon" (Opening, 1973)
Views: 4530
Here's the opening moments of the Miles Showcase Theatre presentation of the 1941 Humphrey Bogart movie "The Maltese Falcon" on WGN Channel 9. With Ray Rayner as host. Includes:
Opening titles, with some clips from "The Maltese Falcon" shown; a movie theatre marquee motif with the Miles Laboratories logo on top, and "Showcase Theatre" below
Ray Rayner's introduction of the movie, and explaining about Miles Showcase Theatre's format
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News at 4:30pm - "The Practical Theater Company" (1982)
Views: 3131
Here's a look at a small repertory company called "The Practical Theater Company" that was spotlighted by critic-at-large John Callaway on an edition of Eyewitness News at 4:30pm on WLS Channel 7.
This segment was entered for submission to the Chicago Emmys, as evidenced at the start of this clip by a title card with the Emmy symbol and the words: "WLS-TV 7 - NATAS Emmy Entry - 10B - Individual Excellence, Non-Performing."
The Practical Theater Company, ...
WTTW Channel 11 - Auction '75 (Excerpt, 1975)
Views: 3920
Here's some more results from the open reel transfers financed by our generous group of Fuzzketeers during the Reel Transfer Fundraiser #1. Look for a lot more, coming soon!
This is an (unfortunately very short) rare excerpt from Auction '75 which aired on WTTW Channel 11. To my knowledge, this is the only existing video footage that anyone has found of the WTTW Auctions that they used to do (anyone know when they stopped doing these?)
Featured is ...
Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Larry Lujack" - Svengoolie's Comedy News (Transition, 1973)
Views: 678
Here's another segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop. By this point, if the clapboard is of any indication, the SYT title had been eschewed in favor of Svengoolie.
This segment is from Show #61 (according to the clapboard), with guest Larry "Superjock" Lujack. The recording date was April 11th 1973.
This segment is call...
WBBM Channel 2 - "Living History (Bloopers)" (Part 5, 1978/1979)
Views: 446
Here's Part 5 (the final part) of a blooper reel from WBBM Channel 2 which featured all sorts of screw-ups, mix-ups and moments that may or may not have actually made it to broadcast.
This part features (in order of first appearance): Johnny Morris (at first, voice only), Chicago Bears defensive back Doug Plank, Bill Kurtis, Bill Frink of rival WLS Channel 7, Harry Volkman, John Coughlin, Susan Anderson, Bruce Roberts, John Drummond, Carrie Cochran, Muhammad Ali, Mort Crim, Wa...
WTTW Channel 11 - Summerfest '79 (Pledge Break #1, 1979)
Views: 1947
Here's the first pledge break for Summerfest '79 on WTTW Channel 11. This segment features Cherie Mason and WCLR Radio personality Paul Brian; and, in a short film, Dick Orkin (by then famous for a series of radio ads he did with Bert Berdis) and a pre-fame Shelley Long. Includes:
Ending of segment with Charles Aznavour, with voiceover (by ??) teasing an upcoming appearance by Jane Olivor
Summerfest '79 video bumper
Start of pledge ...
WTTW Channel 11 - Summerfest '79 (Pledge Break #2, 1979)
Views: 1894
Here's the first pledge break for Summerfest '79 on WTTW Channel 11. This segment features Cherie Mason and WCLR Radio personality Paul Brian. Includes:
Ending of segment with Jane Olivor, with voiceover (by ??) pledging a joint appearance by her and Charles Aznavour after the break
Summerfest '79 video bumper
First shot of this break consisting of Cherie holding up phone receiver and announcing phone number, and then showing example...
WLS Channel 7 - AM Chicago - "Hoffman & Ski Show" (Part 1, 1978)
Views: 1327
Here's Part 1 of an (incomplete) episode (missing about the first half-hour) of AM Chicago on WLS Channel 7. Includes:
Views: 1189 This clip made possible by the donations from our generous group of "Fuzzketeers" during the Spring 2012 Tape Transfer Fundraiser.
Ending of PSA for American Heart Association - "We're Fighting for Your Life"
Co-host Sandi Freeman interviews author, "political observer," and syndicated columnist for the Chicago Tribune, Nicholas von Hoffman, who is on to promote his latest book,
Here are some excerpts of the various public affairs and miscellaneous programming offered by WSNS Channel 44 in the mid-1970's, from a demo reel produced by the station. Included are:
Opening moments of a monthly health talk series,