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WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News At 10pm - "The Freeze Of '79" (Part 2, 1979)

Views: 2450

Here is Part 2 of a complete edition of the WLS Eyewitness News at 10pm on WLS Channel 7. Includes:

Report on the War on Cigarettes - Tobacco institute bashes Surgeon General's report. Vivian Rosenberg talks with some people in a bar about their smoking habit.

John and Greta Rideout reconcile after she accused him (her husband) of raping her.

Lee Marvin breach-of-contract trial gets underway tomorrow. Attorney Barbara Hirsch comments on the grow...

WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter5 At 5pm - "The Blizzard of '78" (Part 2, 1978)

Views: 2385

Everyone remembers the great Blizzard of '79 - but how many people remember the Blizzard of 1978? Before the big snow in 1979 hit, this seemed fairly significant I guess, although not as bad as the Big Snow of 1967. Was this just a case of snow-perbole? You decide.

Here is Part 2 of some footage from the NewsCenter5 airing at 5pm on WMAQ Channel 5, with Mike Jackson, Ron Hunter, and Jerry Taft.

This part features the "5 Minutes" segment with guest Dr. Edward W...

WGN Channel 9 - "Season's Greetings From The Hulk" (Short Promo #2, 1981)

Views: 2943

Here's another shorter version of the goofy holiday greeting/promo featuring The Incredible Hulk running around Chicago holding a giant WGN ball (ornament?). I guess this was supposed to promo the fact that WGN was getting re-runs of the Incredible Hulk show soon.

Playing the part of the Incredible Hulk is Bob Foal.

Additional information by Mr. Joey D'Auria (Bozo #2) - "Funny story about this Hulk... His name is Bob Foal ... In the late 1970's I was working w...

WLS Channel 7 - 30th Anniversary Special (Part 2, 1978)

Views: 2100

Here's Part 2 of WLS Channel 7's 30th Anniversary Special, broadcast from Chicago's Park West and hosted by Eyewitness News anchors Fahey Flynn and Joel Daly.

This part includes:

Fahey and Joel walking on the stage to the podium (with the iconic "Circle 7" logo up front), introduced (off-camera) by Gary Gears

Fahey opens with his famed "How do you do, ladies and gentlemen" intro, to hearty applause, while he and Joel trade barbs about...

WLS Channel 7 - News Bulletin - "No Static At All?" (1979)

Views: 2167

Here's a news bulletin from WLS Channel 7, anchored by Fred Villanueva.

Well . . . attempted to be, as at the start we only hear static noise. After this false start, which saw the "News Bulletin" bumper return, the anchor advises of the start of a strike by bus drivers and motormen against the Chicago Transit Authority to commence at 3am on Monday, December 17th, and previews details of a possible firefighters' strike to come on Eyewitness News at 10pm.


WTTW Channel 11 - "Send Us Some Pizza" (1973)

Views: 1383

Here's a short piece that was likely originally planned to air with a pledge drive on WTTW Channel 11, with longtime staff announcer Marty Robinson showing a sausage pizza and explaining how each piece represents a different aspect of the station's operating budget, and at the end giving the address where viewers can send money.

This piece, preserved on 16mm film, was preceded by the SMPTE universal leader countdown, and a 480 Hz "blip" on the "2." There is also a brief shot o...

WCIU Channel 26 - Eddie Korosa's Polka Party (Part 4, 1978)

Views: 3051

Here's Part 4, the last part, of the oldest Polka Party episode that I've been able to find so far. Includes:

Eddie Korosa, Jr. thanks his sister Linda Korosa for co-hosting, and mentions the wedding the following day of his other sister Debbie Korosa.

Florence and Ted Schiramik (sp?) win for being one of the best dancing couples of the evening

Joesph and Mrs. Keness (sp?), Dorothy Pavella, and some other hard to spell names are mentioned.

WBBM Channel 2 - The CBS Late Movie - "Helter Skelter: Part 1" (Commercial Break #2, 1979)

Views: 2662

Here's the second commercial break from The CBS Late Movie presentation of "Helter Skelter" (Part 1) on WBBM Channel 2. Includes:

The CBS Late Movie bumper (Helta?) (Voiceover by Bill Martin)

TV Scoreboard game by Radio Shack. (Voiceover by Danny Dark)

Maytag Jetclean Dishwasher - $25 pre-Christmas discount.

Old Spice cologne for Christmas - by Shulton.

K-Tel record offer - "Together". (Ahh, Ambrosia...) - Available ...

WMAQ Channel 5 - On Q - "Spirit of '80 Marathon" (Part 2, 1980)

Views: 1913

In honor of today's Chicago Marathon, here's a marathon of a different flavor - the "Spirit of '80 (Dance) Marathon" as part of the 'On Q' program on WMAQ Channel 5. Features a live preview of the disco dance marathon at the club Faces (on Rush Street) the following day, for the cause of Special Olympics. With hosts Terry Burhans and Mike Leiderman. This part features:

Interview with actor Forrest Tucker (of F Troop fame) by Terry Burhans

Interview with...