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Results for: ' Detroit TV Station Clips'

WIFR Channel 23 - Ending of 60 Minutes & Commercial Break (1977)

Views: 2966

Here is the ending of Sixty Minutes as well as a final commercial break on WIFR Channel 23. Includes:

Ending of Sixty Minutes.

Commercial: Holiday Inn.

Commercial: Litton Microwave Oven - Changing the way America Cooks.

Commercial: Budweiser Beer (I'm saying Budweiser right after I post this video...) ;-)

Commercial: Sylvania Superset TV - "The picture we risked $100,000 on."

End credits of Sixty Minut...

67 WMAQ White Sox Baseball (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 4331

Here is a commercial for White Sox baseball on 67 WMAQ radio.

This commercial aired on local Chicago TV in June of 1982.

WMAQ Channel 5 - Station Sign-On & "Meditations" (1984?)

Views: 3243

Here's a station sign-on and "Meditations" religious segment on WMAQ Channel 5 (cut off before ending completes).

"Good Morning. This is WMAQ-TV Channel 5, NBC Television in Chicago, welcoming you to another day of outstanding television programs. WMAQ-TV constantly strives to maintain high programming standards in the public interest. The programs telecast by this station may not be used for any purpose except exhibition at the time of their telecast on receivers of the type o...

Son of Svengoolie - Assorted Clips Compilation (Part 3)

Views: 992

Here is Part 3 of a compilation of assorted Son of Svengoolie clips. I did not make this compilation - it has been floating around the trading circles for a long time, and this is the best copy I've been able to find. It has some neat clips you will not see anywhere else.


Another clip-within-a-clip showing a segment from an earlier show - Tombstone's The Amazing No-Skin!

Bat-Sven (incomplete)

"Turkey Roll" song parody ...

WGN Channel 9 - Lead Off Man - "Opening Day With JFK" (Part 1, 1961)

Views: 2885

Here's Part 1 of an interesting piece of history - The beginning of the Lead-Off Man show on WGN Channel 9 on Opening Day 1961, White Sox At Washington, featuring an interview with the president.

Vince Lloyd interviews both John F. Kennedy and LBJ from the President's box. Hubert Humphrey and Everett Dirksen are right behind JFK. Panoramic shots of the old (and now long gone) Griffith Stadium, with the National Anthem. JFK throws out the first ball, caught by Jungle Jim Rive...

WFYR 103 And A Half FM - "Quick Knock" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 1255

Here's a shorter version of the animated commercial for the radio station WFYR 103 and a Half FM (103.5). It pretty much repeats the last 10 seconds of the full version.

Features Paul McCartney and Wings' "Let 'em In".

"A Station And A Half"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, January 23rd 1981.

WFLD Channel 32 - Emergency One (Promo, 1977-78)

Views: 1804

Here's a promo for Emergency One (original syndicated title for the 1972-77 series Emergency!) on WFLD Channel 32. This promo, with no voiceover, starts off with the station's then-current "Look At Us!" slogan (with Kaiser-era logo) and shows short segments from various Emergency! episodes.

Since this was from a master tape we can only assume that it would have had a voiceover by Ron Beattie and a super of the WFLD logo and show name at the end, when it ac...

WKBS Channel 48 - The $50,000 Pyramid (Break #1, 1981)

Views: 2611

Here are a couple items from the Field Communications station WKBS Channel 48 in Philadelphia which shut down in 1983. This aired during a broadcast of the $50,000 Pyramid game show with Dick Clark. Includes:

A movie promo for Farewell to the Planet of the Apes - More Movie - Fewer Commercials!

Local commercial for automotive and electronics training at Pennco Tech of Pennsauken, New Jersey.

This aired on local Philadelphia TV on Thursday, Februa...