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Kiddieland Amusement Park (Commercial #3, 1991)

Views: 4252

Here's a commercial for Kiddieland Amusement Park - gone but not forgotten.

This commercial was produced and directed (and some editing and camera work) by Ken Williamson. The music was written and produced by Sound Images. Ken owned a production company in Cincinnati called The Film House at the time. They specialized in Amusement Park commercials world-wide. (he sold the company in 2000, but is still active in the production business)

This commercial aired ...

Kiddieland Amusement Park (Commercial #2, 1991)

Views: 3571

Here's a commercial for Kiddieland Amusement Park - gone but not forgotten.

This commercial was produced and directed (and some editing and camera work) by Ken Williamson. The music was written and produced by Sound Images. Ken owned a production company in Cincinnati called The Film House at the time. They specialized in Amusement Park commercials world-wide. (he sold the company in 2000, but is still active in the production business)

This commercial aired ...

Kiddieland Amusement Park (Commercial #1, 1990)

Views: 7535

Here's a commercial for Kiddieland Amusement Park - gone but not forgotten.

This commercial was produced and directed (and some editing and camera work) by Ken Williamson. The music was written and produced by Sound Images. Ken owned a production company in Cincinnati called The Film House at the time. They specialized in Amusement Park commercials world-wide. (he sold the company in 2000, but is still active in the production business)

This commercial aired ...

WFLD Channel 32 - The Underdog Show (Commercial Break #2, 1990)

Views: 2738

Here's another commercial break for The Underdog Show from it's waning run on WFLD Channel 32 - Summer of 1990. Includes:

The Underdog Show bumper

The New Fox 32 Kid's Lineup teaser - with Bobby's World promo (starring Howie Mandel)

Oreo Cookies

Tuff Trax by Galoob

Frosted Flakes with Tony the Tiger - Brings out the Tiger in you! (Sure, you'd win a rowing competition too if you had a giant tiger on your side)

WFLD Channel 32 - The Underdog Show (Bumper #1, 1990)

Views: 1099

Here's a commercial bumper for The Underdog Show from it's waning run on WFLD Channel 32 - Summer of 1990.

(Not sure who the voiceover announcer is on the bumper - it definitely doesn't sound like Jim Barton)

"Duhhhhh, here's a riddle..."

Snipets - "Family Fire Drill" (1982)

Views: 2324

Here's something I found which was produced by Field Communications (or Field Enterprises as it says on the case): Family Fire Drill. It's dated 6/18/82.

This was at one time one of the Snipets - although why it wouldn't have the opening and closing is anyone's guess.

ON TV Sports (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 2172

Here's a commercial for ON TV - touting their Sports coverage.

This commercial aired on local Chicago TV in February of 1984.

Schmerler Ford - "Singing Ford Dealer" (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 4346

Here's a classic - Harry Schmerler, Your Singing Ford Dealer hawking a sweet "Schmerler Family Van".

"ROCK-a-bye your baBY..." - Route 83 and Touhy in Elk Grove Village. :-)

This commercial aired on local Chicago TV in February of 1984.

The Smurfs All Star Show Album (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 3030

Here is a commercial for an album offer, "The Smurfs All Star Show" by Sessions.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, January 14th 1982.