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Results for: ' Monstrous Movie'
Yor - The Hunter From The Future (Trailer For TV, 1983)
Views: 1281
Here is a TV trailer for the hilariously bad movie Yor - The Hunter from the Future, from 1983. (incomplete)
WFLD Channel 32 - Saturday Morning Movie - "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms" (Opening Excerpt, 1980)
Views: 1968
Here is an excerpt from the opening for the Saturday Morning Movie presentation of "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms" on WFLD Channel 32. (Unfortunately, the recording began late and the only copy that exists of it has these VCR graphics over it when a copy was made - the original was apparently destroyed)
Also features a Berens Lincoln-Mercury and Award Lumber & Construction Company sponsorship (without voiceover, which must have been a glitch)
Voiceover excerpt by Ji...
WLS Channel 7 - The 3:30 Movie - "Northwest Mounted Police" (Promo, 1972)
Views: 1598
Here's something very rare - a [sound modified] promo for an upcoming 3:30 Movie presentation (in two parts) of the 1940 film "Northwest Mounted Police" (directed by Cecil B. DeMille and starring Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard) on WLS Channel 7, from within the venerable afternoon movie showcase's early years.
Pretty neat find, showing different 3:30 Movie title graphics than we've seen before. Anyone remember this version? Could it have only been used for the...
WGN Channel 9 - The Morning Movie - "Sorry, Wrong Number" (Commercial Break #6, 1975)
Views: 3031
Here's Commercial Break #6 during The Morning Movie presentation of "Sorry, Wrong Number" on WGN Channel 9. Quality varies due to reception and tape degradation issues. Includes:
The Morning Movie bumper slide (with music from "Sorry, Wrong Number") (slightly cut-off by change of tape during recording)
(a tape change by the person recording this broadcast occurred here, not sure what commercials (or how many) were cut during the change)
WGN Channel 9 - For Whom The Bell Tolls (End Of Break & Bumper, 1979)
Views: 2277
Here's the end of a commercial break and a bumper for a WGN Channel 9 presentation of "For Whom The Bell Tolls". This was listed as "Special Prime Time Movie" in one newspaper but not sure if that's an official title. Includes:
End of Theatrical Movie Trailer for TV for "The Late Great Planet Earth" ("The Last Days of Planet Earth")
WGN People, Places & Things Community Calendar notice (voiceover by Carl Greyson)
"For Whom The Bell Tolls" ...
WLS Channel 7 - "The Late Night Movie" (Shorter Opening, 1987)
Views: 2903
By early 1987 WLS was in the final months of using this version of the opening which it had used for so long. Time=Money, so they had to shorten it up a bit.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, January 20th 1987.
WLS Channel 7 - Saturday Night Movie - "The Evil of Frankenstein" (Promo, 1971)
Views: 1810
Here's a promo for an upcoming Saturday Night Movie presentation of the 1964 film "The Evil of Frankenstein" (starring Peter Cushing) on WLS Channel 7, to air on Saturday, at 10:30pm. (When this originally aired, there would have been a voiceover from some of Channel 7's announcing staff, including Al Parker, Fred Kasper, Mike Rapchak, Art Hellyer, and Wayne Atkinson.)
This was preserved on a silent 16mm film, with a brief card showing Metro Film Corporation as the proc...
WLS Channel 7 - The ABC Sunday Night Movie - "An American Christmas Carol" (Opening & Break, 1979)
Views: 2770
Here's the opening and first commercial break for The ABC Sunday Night Movie world premiere presentation of "An American Christmas Carol" (starring Henry Winkler of Happy Days fame - AAAAAY!) on WLS Channel 7. Includes:
Animated station ID/promo for Eyewitness News at 6pm & 10pm with Fahey Flynn (voiceover by Gary Gears)
The ABC Sunday Night Movie open, including promo for "An American Christmas Carol" (voiceover by Joel Crager)
WLS Channel 7 - "The Original 3:30 (4:30) Movie Opening!" (1969-1973?)
Views: 7299
Ok, I couldn't resist doing a little "photoshop job" on the 4:30 Movie logo to make it look like 3:30. ;-) But this is still a significant find - the original opening to the ABC 4:30 Movie in New York (which apparently was exactly the same as the WLS 3:30 Movie here in Chicago, except with the title changed)
My thanks to YouTuber mazinz2 (Doug) for discovering this, and for generously donating a copy of the ...