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WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Part 4, 1981)

Views: 1912

In honor of Steve Dahl's new foray into the world of Podcast Broadcasting (which begins today - check out for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 4 features Steve and his band Teenage Radiation singing "Inflation" (parody of ?? by ??)

(Commercials were cut out of this segment of the broadcast)

This aire...

WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Part 5, 1981)

Views: 2053

In honor of Steve Dahl's new foray into the world of Podcast Broadcasting (which begins today - check out for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 5 begins with a announcement about requesting tickets for the show Friday Night (voiceover by Al Parker), then Steve talks about "Do Ya Think I'm Disco?", the "Anti-Disco Crusade" i...

WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Part 6, 1981)

Views: 2033

In honor of Steve Dahl's new foray into the world of Podcast Broadcasting (which begins today - check out for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 6 features Steve and Garry again discussing the fine line between satire and bad taste, Steve putting to rest a persistent rumor, plus a complete commercial break - including:

WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Part 7, 1981)

Views: 3011

In honor of Steve Dahl's new foray into the world of Podcast Broadcasting (which begins today - check out for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 7, the final part, features Steve and his band Teenage Radiation doing the song "Ronnie B. Goode" (parody of "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry (duh)) as well as a complete commercial break,...

WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Promo, 1981)

Views: 2392

Here's a promo for that evening's Friday Night with Jay Levine featuring guests Steve Dahl and Garry Meier - on WLS Channel 7.

This promo aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, March 13th 1981.

WCIU Channel 26 - Outdoor Sportsman (Ending, 1979)

Views: 2925

Here's the ending of the Outdoor Sportsman program on WCIU Channel 26. Features Joe Wyer trying to give some info about a contest of some sort (fishing contest?) on April 29th but runs out of time before the credits. Anyone know what the ending music is?

Outdoor Sportsman was on Saturdays at 5:30pm, right before Eddie Korosa's Polka Party. (in the early-to-mid 70's Outdoor Sportsman aired on WSNS Channel 44)

Also features a WCIU-TV Channel 26 Station ID slide ...

The Chicago Historical Society - "The Great Chicago Fire" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 2724

Here's a commercial for The Chicago Historical Society (now the Chicago History Museum) highlighting their Great Chicago Fire exhibit.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, September 8th 1979.

WCIU Channel 26 - Outdoor Sportsman - "Small Screw-Up" (Ending, 1979)

Views: 3868

Here's another ending of the Outdoor Sportsman program on WCIU Channel 26. Features Joe Wyer giving some info about a fishing trip at the Channel Lake Boat House he will be attending the next day, along with Bill Radke (sp?) from WTAQ. You can see the WCIU people accidently cut to some other program - looks like someone dancing - before they go to the end credits.

Anyone know what the ending music is?

Outdoor Sportsman was on Saturdays at 5:30pm, right before Ed...

U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services - "How About A Nice Glass Of Tar?" (PSA, 1983)

Views: 1808

Here's an anti-smoking Public Service Announcement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (and the City of Chicago Department of Health) making an analogy between smoking and drinking tar.

"You'll swallow anything...even TAR!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, September 4th 1983.