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Results for: ' movie sven 3-d Local Movie Shows'

WLS Channel 7 - The ABC Thursday Night Movie - "The Return of the King" (Opening & Commercial Break, 1983)

Views: 2181

Here's the opening moments and first commercial break for The ABC Thursday Night Movie presentation of the animated adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Return of the King" (1980) on WLS Channel 7. Includes:

"Closed Captioned for the Hearing Impaired" animated bumper

ABC Thursday Night Movie opening and preview of "The Return of the King" (with voiceover by Joel Crager)

Commercial: Sani-Flush toilet cleaner - with 30% more cleaning i...

WLS Channel 7 - The 3:30 Movie - "Jason And The Argonauts" (Commercial Break #6, 1978)

Views: 2834

Here's Commercial Break #6 during the 3:30 Movie presentation of "Jason and the Argonauts" on WLS Channel 7. Includes:

3:30 Movie bumper

Paul Anka for the Holiday Star Telethon for United Cerebral Palsy - December 30th and 31st. Sponsored by Montgomery Ward Auto Club. (again)

Wrigley's Spearmint gum (with Dana Plato of Diff'rent Strokes fame)

Beefsteak rye bread by Wonder (again)

Long Chevrolet - Truck Center sale

WLS Channel 7 - The 3:30 Movie - "Jason And The Argonauts" (Post-Movie Commercial Break, 1978)

Views: 3885

Here's the post-movie commercial break for the 3:30 Movie presentation of "Jason and the Argonauts" on WLS Channel 7. Includes:

Ending of movie

Neil Diamond - "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" on Columbia Records and Tapes - Available wherever records and tapes are sold

3:30 Movie ending animation (same as the opening)

WLS-TV Chicago Happy Holidays - "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" singing greeting featuring John Drury, Joel Daly, Bill Fr...

WFLD Channel 32 - Saturday Morning Movie - "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms" (Opening Excerpt, 1980)

Views: 1968

Here is an excerpt from the opening for the Saturday Morning Movie presentation of "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms" on WFLD Channel 32. (Unfortunately, the recording began late and the only copy that exists of it has these VCR graphics over it when a copy was made - the original was apparently destroyed)

Also features a Berens Lincoln-Mercury and Award Lumber & Construction Company sponsorship (without voiceover, which must have been a glitch)

Voiceover excerpt by Ji...

WGN Channel 9 - For Whom The Bell Tolls (End Of Break & Bumper, 1979)

Views: 2277

Here's the end of a commercial break and a bumper for a WGN Channel 9 presentation of "For Whom The Bell Tolls". This was listed as "Special Prime Time Movie" in one newspaper but not sure if that's an official title. Includes:

End of Theatrical Movie Trailer for TV for "The Late Great Planet Earth" ("The Last Days of Planet Earth")

WGN People, Places & Things Community Calendar notice (voiceover by Carl Greyson)

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" ...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Show #5 - Duet With Zelda" (1972)

Views: 1311

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

With no clapboard segments, we can only guess that this was Break #7 (from "Show #5") - although on these master tapes sometimes they didn't save all of the breaks, so this could be Break #8 or Break #9 for all we know. This one features some humorous technical screw-up's as well as a duet between Sven & Zelda - a p...

WFLD Channel 32 - Six O'Clock Movie - "Bumper Production Elements" (1978)

Views: 2722

Here's some neat behind-the-scenes stuff - some working production elements for what appear to be commercial bumpers for the Six O'Clock Movie on WFLD Channel 32. You can see this is essentially the same graphics as the opening we saw recently for the Six O'Clock Movie.

First we hear some of the bumper music, "K-Jee" by MFSB again ("bumper beds", says the box). Next some color bars, and then it looks li...

WSNS Channel 44 - Star Spangled Movie - "You're Telling Me!" (Bumper #3, 197?)

Views: 851

Here is something extremely rare - some bumpers and on-screen station ID's during the "Star Spangled Movie" presentation of the W.C. Fields film "You're Telling Me!" on WSNS Channel 44.

It's too bad this person didn't go to the kitchen to make a sandwich - it would have been nice to have a complete bumper or commercial break.

The music during the bumper segments is interesting - also notice they fade it up slowly a good 5 seconds before the bumper begins, while t...

WSNS Channel 44 - Star Spangled Movie - "You're Telling Me!" (On-Screen ID #1, 197?)

Views: 1122

Here is something extremely rare - some bumpers and on-screen station ID's during the "Star Spangled Movie" presentation of the W.C. Fields film "You're Telling Me!" on WSNS Channel 44.

It's too bad this person didn't go to the kitchen to make a sandwich - it would have been nice to have a complete bumper or commercial break.

The music during the bumper segments is interesting - also notice they fade it up slowly a good 5 seconds before the bumper begins, while t...