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Results for: 'Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Tests '

WMAQ Channel 5 - newsfive - "Streaking" (1974)

Views: 2315

The transfer of this video clip made possible by your generous donations!

Here's a segment of the ending portion of newsfive with legendary anchor Floyd Kalber (a.k.a. "The Big Tuna") on WMAQ Channel 5, from the height of the "streaking" craze in 1974. Also features weatherman Harry Volkman. Includes:

Outro of weather report by Harry Volkman, who mentions the temperature at 57 degrees - which Floyd characterizes as "not weather for streaking," whi...

WTTW Channel 11 - Doctor Who - "The Max Headroom Pirating Incident" (1987)

Views: 131703

During a broadcast of the Dr. Who episode "Horror of Fang Rock" on WTTW Chicago Channel 11, on Sunday November 22nd, 1987, at around 11:15pm, a Video "Pirate" wearing a Max Headroom mask broke into the signal and transmitted one of the weirdest, unauthorized things ever to hit the Chicago airwaves.

Earlier in the evening on the same day, during the Nine O'Clock News on Channel 9 (Yes, a completely different channel) the Max Headroom Pirate also broke in - although it was for a...

WGN Channel 9 - Prime Time Movie - "Song of Bernadette" (Promo, Open, Bumper Excerpts, On-Screen ID & Technical Difficulties Moment, 1979)

Views: 1683

Here's some surviving clips (other than the recording of the film itself) from the "Prime Time Movie" broadcast of "Song of Bernadette" (1943), starring Jennifer Jones, on WGN Channel 9. Though not an Easter movie it often aired during or close to the holiday. All the commercial breaks were cut so this is what was left of interest.

Includes: (all voiceovers by Carl Greyson)

A mostly complete promo for the movie (I assume this aired shortly before it began)

WCIU Channel 26 - Mulqueen's Kiddie A-Go-Go (Part 1, 1969)

Views: 5167

Presenting - the first result of your generous donations! The completed "remastered" version (in three parts) direct from 2" Quad Videotape!

Here's the opening segment from an episode of Mulqueen's Kiddie a-Go-Go on WCIU Channel 26. Includes:

The kids dance to the Kiddie-A-Go-Go theme song.

Pandora talks to the duck character "Spike" about the upcoming Chapter 6 of the serial Jungle Queen.

The kids dance to "I've Been Hurt" ...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Show #5 - Sven Sings" (1971?)

Views: 2157

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

With no clapboard segments, we can only guess that this was Break #1 (from "Show #5") - although on these master tapes sometimes they didn't save all of the breaks, so this could be Break #2 or Break #3 for all we know. This one features Sven singing a parody of "Button Up Your Overcoat" with backup vocals by Zelda,...

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart - "Mail Time" (1975?)

Views: 405

Here's the "Mail Time" segment of Popeye with Steve Hart on WSNS Channel 44. Includes:

Steve starting off in front of Captain Salty, going on about what happened with "Dear Crabby" early on, with Bookie Worm (the voice of Nancy Boyle) at the desk. He then goes to the big Popeye spinach jar to select four lucky winners - the fifth who says "I Watch Popeye on Channel 44" to be invited to the lighthouse (he ends up taking one extra letter).

The first...

WGN Channel 9 - John Drury and NewsNine (Opening & Break, 1980)

Views: 6504

Here's the opening moments of John Drury and NewsNine on WGN Channel 9. Also featuring sportscaster Bill Frink (who, like Drury, had come to WGN from WLS Channel 7), meteorologist Roger Triemstra, and commentator Len O'Connor. Includes:

WGN "Last Farewell" ID (voiceover by Marty McNeeley)

John Drury teases the following headlines:

- President Carter reports progress in trying to get 52 U.S. hostages held in Tehran released
- Possibi...

WLS Channel 7 - AM Chicago - "Dick & Doug" (Part 2, 1976)

Views: 1242

Here's Part 2 of an interview segment from AM Chicago on WLS Channel 7, in which host Steve Edwards interviews the legendary morning drive team of Dick (Sainte) and Doug (Dahlgren) - "Dick and Doug", who were fired from WCFL AM 1000 on March 12th 1976 midway through their air shift, after talking too much about that station's change in format from Top 40 to beautiful music (they had been explicitly forbidden to do so by WCFL's general manager, Lew Witz). In this part, they speak of va...

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "Film Developing" (1974)

Views: 2352

The transfer of this video clip made possible by your generous donations!

Here's a rare excerpt from WLS Channel 7's Eyewitness News, from back in the days when all reports from out "in the field" came from film, and sometimes were being developed as the newscast was running.

Frank Mathie introduces the "Action Seven" piece, with Geoff Smith reporting about how film stories aired on Eyewitness News are shot; in this instance, one film crew is...