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Results for: ' New York TV Station Clips'
WIND News Talk 56 - "Reaching Somebody" (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 1978
Here's a commercial for radio station WIND News Talk 56.
Who's that actor again? I keep thinking Jeffery Tambor but he just looks like him a little bit.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, November 13th 1980.
WFLD Channel 32 - Mighty Mouse (On-Screen ID, 1981?)
Views: 745
Here is an on-screen station ID during a cartoon shown on Mighty Mouse on WFLD Channel 32. Not sure on the year, but probably from 1981-1982.
WFLD Channel 32 - Green Acres - "Four of Spades" (Commercial Break #2 & On-Screen Station ID, 1979)
Views: 835
Here is Commercial Break #2 (last one I have) as well as a Channel 32 on-screen station ID from an episode of Green Acres on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:
WFLD "Zooming" Green Acres bumper
Blistex & Blistik lip balm (Main voiceover by ??, ending voiceover by Ron Beattie) - Available at DeKoven Drug Centers and Kohl's Wonderful Foods
WFLD Happy Days Again promo (voiceover by Ron Beattie)
WFLD "Zooming" Green Acres return bumper (voiceov...
WDIV Channel 4 - News 4 Detroit (Part 2, 1979)
Views: 6688
Here's the second segment for News 4 Detroit and the second commercial break, on WDIV Channel 4. Includes:
Story on how trying to slow Medical care costs could put some local Detroit hospitals out of business - featuring William Harris of the Dearborn Medical Center and George Williams of the Health Planning Council (Dan Mountney reporting)
Chrysler not eligible for additional loans; Senator Richard "Dick" Lugar to introduce an aide bill for Chrysler
WMAQ Channel 5 - Sign-On, "Meditations" & Opening of "The Health Field" (1982)
Views: 4432
Here is a station sign-on for WMAQ Channel 5 and the opening of "The Health Field" (which also aired on WSNS Channel 44 at various times) Includes:
16 seconds of Color Bars and tone.
WMAQ-TV Chicago 5 logo and silence for about a minute, 15 seconds.
Black for about 45 seconds. (Exciting, eh?)
WMAQ-TV Chicago 5 logo (brighter?) and Station Sign-On voiceover, "Good Morning. This is WMAQ-TV Channel 5 NBC Television in Chicago, welcom...
WLS Channel 7 - "Anthem, Sign-On, Reflections & Editorial" (1984)
Views: 17685
Here's the National Anthem, Station Sign-On, Reflections and Editorial on WLS Channel 7. Includes:
Color Bars
WLS "Circular Polarization" Test Pattern
National Anthem
Station Sign-On (voiceover by Janice Kos)
Reflections with Fr. Bert Akers, S.J. - "Pray for Generosity"
WLS Public Service notice (voiceover by Janice Kos)
Commercial: Volkswagen GTI (featuring parody of the Ro...
WMAQ Channel 5 - KISS Meets The Phantom (On-Screen ID, 1978)
Views: 2395
Here's an onscreen station ID from WMAQ Channel 5 during the premiere broadcast of "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park" on NBC Saturday Night at the Movies.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, October 28th 1978.
WTVO Channel 17 - Don Kirshner's Rock Concert (Commercial Break #2, 1978)
Views: 4085
Oops - one more Rockford leftover. (although we will probably have a part 2 of Rockford week in the future)
Here's the second commercial break from an episode of Don Kirshner's Rock Concert on WTVO Channel 17. Includes:
Ending of Moody Blues segment on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert.
Commercial: Edge gel - "Lets you shave closer than foams".
Commercial: Smitty perfume by Cody - "Smitty Did It."
Commercial: Coleco Amaze-A...
WIFR Channel 23 - Action News (Promo & Slide, 1977)
Views: 3609
Here's an Action News promo for WIFR Channel 23 featuring footage of the Rock River Tower arson fire on November 19th, 1977. Join Jerry Mayer, Chuck Faber, Kerry Donovan, Mark Ovenden, and Sue Mroz for Action News at 5:30 and 10:00 on WIFR TV - Freeport - Rockford. Also includes a Chuck Faber Action News bumper promo slide at the end.
Covers the following towns: New Milford, Beloit, Sycamore, Kirkland, Pecatonica, Janesville, Freeport, Oregon, Sterling, Lena, Belvidere, Roche...