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Results for: ' movie sven 3-d Local Movie Shows'

Son Of Svengoolie - "Skylab Update" (1979)

Views: 1112

Here's an early segment from Son of Sven - a "Skylab Update" - from episode number 3 featuring the movie "Son of Dracula". (This was Break number 4)

Directed by Joe Oher.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, June 30th 1979. (Recorded on Thursday, June 28th 1979!)

Son Of Svengoolie - "Tombstone's Christmas Wrap" (1984)

Views: 1283

Here's a segment from Son of Sven - "Tombstone's Christmas Wrap".

Not sure what episode this was from.

(beginning cut-off slightly)

This likely aired on local Chicago TV on a Saturday in December 1984.

Son Of Svengoolie - "New Berwyn Address" (1983)

Views: 1370

Here is a quick mail call segment from what is very likely Son of Sven episode number 215 (Break 7, Segment 6) where he was showing the film "Dagora, the Space Monster".

Sven gives the new mailing address for the show:
P.O. Box 271
Berwyn, IL 60402

And he also plugs a personal appearance at Showbiz Pizza in Mount Prospect, IL on Wednesday, August 31st 1983 from 6 to 9pm.

This very likely aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, August 2...

Son of Svengoolie - "Dracula's Daughter, Mail Call #1" (1979)

Views: 1435

Here is the first mail call segment for Son of Sven episode number 2 featuring the film "Dracula's Daughter".

I don't think he ever did another show with more than one mail segment. He got so much mail from his first episode he had to have two.

In this segment Sven also suggests that viewers write in to suggest his name - an idea that didn't really take off.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, June 23rd 1979.

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "House of Fear" (Promo, 1981)

Views: 1353

Here's a fairly fuzzy promo for the Son of Svengoolie airing of the film "House of Fear" on WFLD Channel 32.

Apparently Sven wasn't too impressed with the amount of fear in this movie, and in the end this was the only time he aired the film. (although it did air on WFLD's Monstrous Movie program)

This aired on local Chicago TV the third week (probably ...

Son Of Svengoolie - "Tombstone Bumper" (1984)

Views: 2188

Here's one of the bumpers they used on Son of Svengoolie featuring a ghostly image of Tombstone. This particular one came at the end of episode #258 when he aired "House of Frankenstein".

Most of the time Sven would tell a joke in a voiceover during these bumpers, but since this one was right after the end credits of the movie it just plays "Son's Theme" before cutting to the commercial break.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, July 7th 1984.

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Sh-Bombs" (1979)

Views: 1872

Here's an early segment from Son of Sven - "Sh-Bombs" - from episode number 3 featuring the movie "Son of Dracula". (This was Break Number 1)

Directed by Joe Oher.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, June 30th 1979. (Recorded on Thursday, June 28th 1979!)

WFLD Channel 32 - Son Of Svengoolie - "Trog" (Break #3, 1985)

Views: 2063

Here's Break #3 for another episode of Son of Svengoolie that hasn't been seen in over 24 years! This was number 287 where he was presenting the movie "Trog". Includes:

Sven bumper

Commercial: Tri-City Heating featuring Mal Bellairs - Long-time host at WBBM radio in the 50's and 60's

Promo for the Grand National Motor Spectacular at the University of Illinois Pavilion

Commercial: Minute Rice - "Fits the way you cook today"

The ABC Summer Movie (Bumper, 1981)

Views: 2652

Here's a bumper for a rare ABC Movie show variation - The ABC Summer Movie. Same music as ABC Sunday Night Movie though. (70s version)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, July 8th 1981. (29 Years Ago Today!)