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Results for: ' WGN Channel 9'

WGN Channel 9 - John Drury and NewsNine (Opening & Excerpt, 1979)

Views: 5226

Here's the first five minutes of John Drury and NewsNine on WGN Channel 9. Besides the aforementioned once-and-future WLS Channel 7 anchor whose name was incorporated into the newscast's title upon his joining Channel 9, the opening moments also feature weatherman Tom Skilling and sportscaster (and fellow WLS alumnus) Bill Frink, and this clip features reports from David Margulies and Elizabeth Brackett. (Commentator Len O'Connor was mentioned in the open, but he does not appear anyw...

WLS Channel 7 - AM Chicago - "Dick & Doug" (Part 1, 1976)

Views: 2707

Here's Part 1 of an interview segment from AM Chicago on WLS Channel 7, in which host Steve Edwards interviews the legendary morning drive team of Dick (Sainte) and Doug (Dahlgren) - "Dick and Doug", who were fired from WCFL AM 1000 on March 12th 1976 midway through their air shift, after talking too much about that station's change in format from Top 40 to beautiful music (they had been explicitly forbidden to do so by WCFL's general manager, Lew Witz). In this part, they speak of th...

WBBM Channel 2 - 1985 Chicago Emmy Awards (Part 3, 1985)

Views: 1933

Here's Part 3 of the (mostly complete) 1985 Chicago Emmy Awards broadcast.

This part features Denise Cannon, Ron Magers, Chuck Swilling, Tom Weinberg, Mark Giangreco, and Steve Corman.

Chicago Cubs Baseball on WGN Channel 9 won in the "Sports Programs - Single Program or Series" category; accepting on behalf of producer Arne Harris was Mr. Swilling. Mr. Weinberg won in the "Sports Programs - Series - Sports Events" category for Time Out on WTTW Ch...

WMAQ Channel 5 - newsfive - "Streaking" (1974)

Views: 2315

The transfer of this video clip made possible by your generous donations!

Here's a segment of the ending portion of newsfive with legendary anchor Floyd Kalber (a.k.a. "The Big Tuna") on WMAQ Channel 5, from the height of the "streaking" craze in 1974. Also features weatherman Harry Volkman. Includes:

Outro of weather report by Harry Volkman, who mentions the temperature at 57 degrees - which Floyd characterizes as "not weather for streaking," whi...

WTTW Channel 11 - Doctor Who - "The Max Headroom Pirating Incident" (1987)

Views: 131703

During a broadcast of the Dr. Who episode "Horror of Fang Rock" on WTTW Chicago Channel 11, on Sunday November 22nd, 1987, at around 11:15pm, a Video "Pirate" wearing a Max Headroom mask broke into the signal and transmitted one of the weirdest, unauthorized things ever to hit the Chicago airwaves.

Earlier in the evening on the same day, during the Nine O'Clock News on Channel 9 (Yes, a completely different channel) the Max Headroom Pirate also broke in - although it was for a...

WGN Channel 9 - Len Johnson and the News (Part 2, 1965)

Views: 5819

Here's Part 2 (the final part) of an incredibly rare find - an edition of Len Johnson and the News on WGN Channel 9 from 1965! This was a forerunner to their overnight Night Beat newscast that ran from the late-sixties well into the 1980s.

You'll notice that this was during that awkward transition phase from black-and-white to color with most of the broadcast appearing in black-and-white, but then interspersed by random color commercials and a few color slides.

WGN Channel 9 - Len Johnson and the News (Part 1, 1965)

Views: 6748

Here's Part 1 of an incredibly rare find - an edition of Len Johnson and the News on WGN Channel 9 from 1965! This was a forerunner to their overnight Night Beat newscast that ran from the late-sixties well into the 1980s.

You'll notice that this was during that awkward transition phase from black-and-white to color with most of the broadcast appearing in black-and-white, but then interspersed by random color commercials and a few color slides.


Dominick's Finer Foods with Elaine Mulqueen (Commercial #1, 1973)

Views: 4860

The transfer of this clip made possible by your generous donations!

Here's a commercial for Dominick's Finer Foods, with Elaine Mulqueen appearing in glorious color after years of being seen in black-and-white on Mulqueen's Kiddie A-Go-Go. Here, she spotlights the 50 stores located throughout Chicagoland (25 of which are now open Monday - Saturday until midnight and Sunday from 9am to 9pm), with various photo slides inside the numerous sections of each of the Dom...

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "Film Developing" (1974)

Views: 2352

The transfer of this video clip made possible by your generous donations!

Here's a rare excerpt from WLS Channel 7's Eyewitness News, from back in the days when all reports from out "in the field" came from film, and sometimes were being developed as the newscast was running.

Frank Mathie introduces the "Action Seven" piece, with Geoff Smith reporting about how film stories aired on Eyewitness News are shot; in this instance, one film crew is...