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Results for: ' land o lakes o'lakes margarine cow animated cartoon'

WBBM Channel 2 - Channel 2 Weekend News (Part 1, 1978)

Views: 3514

Here's Part 1 of a complete edition of the Channel 2 Weekend News on WBBM Channel 2, anchored by Bob Wallace (substituting for Harry Porterfield). Also featuring Brian Boyer. Includes:

Tail end of commercial for Arlington Race Track - "That's Entertainment" (post time 2pm, Monday-Saturday)

Animated WBBM Station ID (voiceover by Jerry Harper?)

Opening of Channel 2 Weekend News (with Dick Marx's famous "I Love Chicago, Chicago My Home...

WGN Channel 9 - Five Minutes to Live By, Station Sign-On & Opening of The Westerners (1982)

Views: 7578

Here's a complete sign-on segment from WGN Channel 9, including a Five Minutes to Live By sermonette and opening moments of a Zane Grey Theatre episode aired under the syndicated umbrella title The Westerners. Includes:

Station ID / Promo for A Woman Called Golda starring Ingrid Bergman for Tuesday, April 27th at 7pm

Five Minutes to Live By with Father Ronald Turcich, Principal of Saint Rita Elementary School in Chicago - a ser...

WIIC Channel 11 - 6:30 News Roundup With Len Johnson (1962)

Views: 8022

Exactly 56 years ago today (at 6:30 PM)!

Here's an incredible find - usually anything this old, if I am lucky to find it, is on a 16mm kinescope (remember, in 1962 Quad tape itself was only 6 years old). And even though it's from a Pittsburgh station, it has a very strong Chicago connection, as it is anchored by Len Johnson, whose voice (if not face) will no doubt be very recognizable to people who watched WGN in the 60s, 70s, and very early 80s. He was one of the ub...

WMAQ Channel 5 - 5 Cheers Chicago's New Year (Part 4, 1980/1981)

Views: 1077

Back to the festivities at Miomir's Serbian Club at 2255 W. Lawrence, with Warner speaking with a lady, Carole(?) Black, whose birthday is January 1st (her 23rd), who wishes for good health and a good husband; her friend explains that she has a good husband but he's not at the club with her, instead he's in Florida; Warner then gestures Jerry to wish her a happy birthday as well as a happy New Year, and not long after club owner Miomir plants a kiss on the birthday girl (upon which Jerry give...

WBBM Channel 2 - So You Think You Know Chicago? (Part 2, 1974)

Views: 2510

This clip made possible by the donations from our generous group of "Fuzzketeers" during the Spring 2012 Tape Transfer Fundraiser.

Here's Part 2 of a special called So You Think You Know Chicago? on WBBM Channel 2. This was the third broadcast in a continuing series of shows called Chicago Alive. The hosts were legendary anchors Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobson, and...

WBBM Channel 2 - TV 2 News at 10pm (Part 1, 1973)

Views: 4112

Here's Part 1 of a complete edition of the TV 2 News at 10pm on WBBM Channel 2 with anchor Bob Wallace, with a brief appearance by Bruce Roberts and featuring future CBS and NBC News correspondent Bob Faw. Includes:

Animated TV 2 station ID (voiceover by ??)

TV 2 News at 10pm open - "From the Newsroom" - featuring Wallace and sportscaster Bruce Roberts, plus preview of the situation in the Middle East (voiceover by ??)

Bob Wallace an...

WGN Channel 9 - John Drury and NewsNine (Opening & Excerpt, 1979)

Views: 5227

Here's the first five minutes of John Drury and NewsNine on WGN Channel 9. Besides the aforementioned once-and-future WLS Channel 7 anchor whose name was incorporated into the newscast's title upon his joining Channel 9, the opening moments also feature weatherman Tom Skilling and sportscaster (and fellow WLS alumnus) Bill Frink, and this clip features reports from David Margulies and Elizabeth Brackett. (Commentator Len O'Connor was mentioned in the open, but he does not appear anyw...

WLS Channel 7 - 30th Anniversary Special (Part 1, 1978)

Views: 3409

Here's a special anniversary special for our anniversary! Pretty special, eh? ;-) Actually 10/31/12 marked 5 years that FuzzyMemories.TV has been around - thanks to our wonderful crew (Dave, John, Mark, Dale, Mike, Kevin, Chris, and William), and to all the Fuzzketeers that make this website a fun place to visit! :-)

Here's Part 1 of WLS Channel 7's 30th Anniversary Special, hosted by Eyewitness News anchors Fahey Flynn and Joel Daly. The broadcast ori...