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Results for: ' Mego Toy Commercials'

WGN Radio 720 - "Bob Collins' Low Budget" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 1272

Here's a commercial for WGN Radio 720 AM in which their afternoon drive personality, Bob Collins, complains about the threadbare props he's being forced to use for this commercial (with an RCA 77DX microphone thrown in for good measure), while bemoaning how the station's other personalities (such as Wally Phillips, Roy Leonard and Bill Berg) get better setups for theirs. (Collins moved into the 2pm-6pm slot in June 1981.) Features the animated "We've Got Chicago Talking" at the end.

Northwest Federal Savings - "The Tax Savings Place" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 558

Here's a commercial for Northwest Federal Savings advertising their new Tax Free CD (which in those days only meant "certificate of deposit" - the Compact Disc wasn't introduced until a year later). Note how one of the business-suited people sheds his suit and leaves that crowd to join the more middle-class crowd nearby. As noted in a lower-third text, the terms are $500 minimum deposit, one year term, penalty for early withdrawal. (Ah, the days . . . )

"You don't have to...

WCFL AM 1000 - "Fred Winston Does Art Fern" (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 2738

Here's a commercial for WCFL AM 1000 featuring Fred Winston doing his take on the "Art Fern" bits from the old Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

Also mentions Harry Volkman on weather and the "Bribo" contest.

Dave Martin provided this info: "[This was] One of six fun ads we produced in a day long session. FYI, I directed the ads and did the v/o"

Voiceover by Dave Martin. Directed by Dave Martin.

"There's nothing I won't do for my ...

American Automobile Insurance Brokers - "Old Time Movies" (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 604

Here's a spot for American Automobile Insurance Brokers, with clips of old silent films of cars driving recklessly accompanied by "old-timey" music, and contrasting such scenes with the reality of millions of auto accidents a year. This ad advises that those without insurance shouldn't drive, and those seeking insurance should call CE6-5366. (CEntral-6 5366) (or in modern parlance, 236-5366)

Voiceover by ?? (sounds a bit like WBBM's Bob Carrington)

" . . ....

Sears Bank & Trust - "Fastest Bank in Town" with Bobby Hull (Commercial, 1979)

Views: 2041

Here's a commercial featuring hockey great Bobby Hull for Sears Bank & Trust - offering such services as savings and checking accounts, and Deposit Credit (maximum credit limit $5,000) to write yourself an "instant loan" - "Out to Be the Fastest Bank in Town".

Features Alexander Calder's The Universe sculpture / artwork in the background near the end of the commercial, which was located in the lobby of the Sears Tower building. (and still is today - at least for n...

Aldi Foods - "Goodness Guaranteed" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2206

Here's another vintage commercial for Aldi Foods. The previous one we saw was similar and incomplete.

Featuring actress Margaret Travolta as the wife, and actor Robert J. ("Bob") Jones as the husband.

Notes: Margaret Travolta is the Sister of Actor John Travolta and has appeared in many television shows. Bob Jones used to be Chicago's Ronald McDonald back in the early 70's. He has appear...

Aldi Foods (Partial Commercial, 1980?)

Views: 2743

Here's an incomplete commercial (missing first 10 seconds I believe) for Aldi Foods (we also called it Aldi's) but I include it here because it has some neat shots of Chicago-suburbs bungelow-style houses. Parts of it almost look like it could have been on my block back about 30 years ago.

Featuring actress Margaret Travolta as the wife, and actor Robert J. ("Bob") Jones as the husband.

Notes: Margaret Travolta is the Sister of Actor John Travolta and has appear...

Chicago White Sox - "Na-Na Hey-Hey Goodbye" (Commercial, 1978)

Views: 5342

Here's a memorable commercial for the White Sox - featuring fans singing "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam, first popularized during White Sox games by team organist, Nancy Faust. Featuring a young Kathy Griffin (in her first acting job, years before making it big as a comedian and TV personality) wearing braids and Sox hat and playing a kazoo, all the way at the far left of the screen in the second row around :15 (among the attendant Sox fans), and Theodore "Ted" Noose as the traffi...

Pac-Man Children's Chewable Multi-Vitamin Plus Iron with Fred Savage (Commercial, 1983)

Views: 3346

Here's a commercial for Pac-Man Children's Chewable Multi-Vitamin Plus Iron, which had no sugar or additives among its ingredients - unlike Flintstones Multi-Vitamins which had 70% sugar.

Featuring a very young Fred Savage, years before he shot to fame as the star of the TV series The Wonder Years.

(C) 1983 Rexall Corporation

"Goodbye, Fred - Hello, Pac-Man."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, January 28th 1983 d...