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Results for: ' Svengoolie - The Original: Jerry G. Bishop (1970-1973)'

The CBS Late Movie - "Nightmare In Badham County" (Opening, 1983)

Views: 3033

Here's the opening for The CBS Late Movie presentation of "Nightmare in Badham County." CBS used this opening for many years in the 1970's up until the mid-1980's.

Voiceover by Norm Stevens.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, February 18th 1983 at 10:30pm.

WCIX Channel 6 - Snipets - "Bad for You" (1984)

Views: 2850

Here's another rare Snipets segment! These originally were created by and aired on the Kaiser Broadcasting / Field Communications stations such as WFLD Channel 32, in the 70s and early 80s. However, with the sale and dissolution of Field starting in 1982, for whatever reason Snipets segments popped up on a few other non-Field or former-Field stations, even as late as 1986!

This particular a...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms" (Ending & Commercial Break, 1985)

Views: 1376

Here's the ending of the Son of Svengoolie presentation of "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" [1953]. This was the third and final time he showed this film. Includes:

Ending of the film

Commercial: Jordache - Distressed Denim - "You've Got The Look" (80s Style) (10 second ad)

Son of Sven bumper - featuring a joke that loses most of its impact due to the fact that it didn't immediately follow the end of the movie (thanks a lot, Metromedia bean...

Son Of Svengoolie - "I Was A Teenage Werewolf" (Opening, 1980/1982)

Views: 1415

Here is something kind of unique - the opening for Son of Sven featuring the film "I Was A Teenage Werewolf". However, this opening was used twice - once for episode number 34 (the first time he showed the movie) and again for episode number 156 (the second time he showed it) with slight variation. You can identify the older footage by noticing Sven's bushier mustache which coincides with that era.

It looks like for episode 156 he just tacked on the beginning segment with the...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Beyond the Time Barrier" (Break #4, 1986)

Views: 891

Here's the fourth commercial break for the Son Of Svengoolie presentation (Show #333) of the 1960 film "Beyond the Time Barrier" on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:

Ending of portion of film, with footage of Diana Ross on stage spliced in at end - leading to Sven (Rich Koz) punchline

Commercial: Ray Hara's King Nissan - "Home of King Size Discounts" - on Nissan trucks, cabs, sport trucks, 2 x 2's and 4 x 4's (voiceover by ??)

Promo for airing of...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Beyond the Time Barrier" (Break #2 + Station ID, 1986)

Views: 846

Here's the second commercial break for the Son Of Svengoolie presentation (Show #333) of the 1960 film "Beyond the Time Barrier" on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:

Sven (Rich Koz) asking about the unusual way a film segment begins and ends, and Tombstone saying he doesn't see "anything unusual"

Commercial offer for The Survivor - The Ultimate Survival Knife - a whopping 12" long (main voiceover by ??) (ending voiceover by ??)

Tombstone introduces Sven a...

WMAQ Channel 5 - 5 Cheers Chicago's New Year (Part 1, 1980/1981)

Views: 1995

Here's 5 Cheers Chicago's New Year, an end-of-one-year-and-beginning-of-another celebration on WMAQ Channel 5, hosted by Warner Saunders, Carol Marin, Jerry Taft and Barry Bernson. Also featuring drummer Isaac "Red" Holt, Miomir's Serbian Club owner Miomir Radovanovich, executive chef Alfred(?), kitchen chef Donna(?), Abbey Pub owner Peter Furlong(?), weekend weatherman Terry Burhans, and numerous partygoers. Includes:

Tail end of Today promo with guest Marvin H...

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Bride of Frankenstein" (Break #1, 1983)

Views: 972

Here's the first commercial break for the Son of Svengoolie presentation of the 1935 film "Bride of Frankenstein" on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:

"WOOO in Berwyn" segment, with Sven as disk jockey playing "all music, all the time," starting off with a mock commercial for House of Lard (voiceover by Rich Koz) with an editorial from "Vice President and General Mangler" Zallman T. Tombstone, Jr. in which Tombstone complaining about somebody eating lunch at his desk; Sven then...

WFLD Channel 32 - Monstrous Movie - "Calling Dr. Death" (Ending, 1982)

Views: 1164

Here is the ending (preceded by the tail end of a commercial break featuring an ad for the AAA Chicago Motor Club) for the WFLD Channel 32 Monstrous Movie presentation of "Calling Dr. Death" [1943].

The ending only consists of a voiceover promo for what was coming up next - Son of Svengoolie featuring, "Die, Monster, Die!".

Previous to this we saw another example of the revised Monstrous Movie...