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Results for: ' Kathy McFarland WFLD News Segments'

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "The Angry Sky" (Part 3, 1978)

Views: 1574

Here is Part 3 of some segments of a WLS Channel 7 Eyewitness News "Close Up" feature - "The Angry Sky: Tornadoes & Other Natural Disasters (Tornadoes, Lightning, and Floods). This series ran throughout the entire week.

This part features Jim Gibbons reporting, Fahey Flynn and Joel Daly at the end and the complete weather segment with John Coleman that followed the report. There is also a brief glimpse of Tim Weigel at the very end.

This aired on local Chicago ...

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "The Angry Sky" (Part 2, 1978)

Views: 1254

Here is Part 2 of some segments of a WLS Channel 7 Eyewitness News "Close Up" feature - "The Angry Sky: Tornadoes & Other Natural Disasters (Tornadoes, Lightning, and Floods). This series ran throughout the entire week.

This part features Joey Daly, Dr. Walt Lyons reporting, and a brief glimpse of Fahey Flynn at the end. Seems like there was a brief techincal difficulties moment at the end with Dr. Walt Lyons' audio turned off.

This aired on local Chicago TV on...

WFLD Channel 32 - Channel 32 Newsbreak (Opening Excerpt, 1971?)

Views: 1880

Here's something cool and rare - a brief excerpt of the opening of a Channel 32 Newsbreak on WFLD Channel 32.

Featuring announcer Del Clark doing the introduction and beginning the reading of the news, with a story about State Department confirmation of the expulsion of several journalists from Dacca in civil war-torn East Pakistan (the tape cuts off at the point Clark says "East--")

Can anyone help date this more precisely given the little bit of news we hear at...

WFLD Channel 32 - News - "TelePrompTer ScRewUp" (1991?)

Views: 2486

Kris Long has a PrObleM with a TelePrompTer.

Not sure when this aired exactly - 1991?

WFLD Channel 32 - "Nite-Owl" (Part 6 - Final One, 1982)

Views: 2227

The sixth and final recorded 9 minutes or so of the Keyfax Nite-Owl Service program from August 25th, 1982 as broadcast on Channel 32 WFLD in Chicago.

Unless anyone ever finds any more, that's it. :-(

Check out the Chicago Business News at the end: "Field Enterprises has announced the sale of WFLD-TV to Metromedia Corporation." - What a day, eh?

WFLD Channel 32 - Scared Straight! (Part 1, 1979)

Views: 1987

Here's Part 1 of the controversial documentary Scared Straight! as aired on WFLD Channel 32. This Academy Award-winning special program, which dealt with a group of juvenile delinquents at a three-hour session with actual convicts serving life imprisonment at Rahway State Prison in New Jersey, was directed by Arnold Shapiro and hosted by Peter Falk. This airing was of an "encore presentation."

A side note: The nationally-syndicated Scared Straight! also aired i...

WFLD Channel 32 - CNN Headline News (Part 3, 1982)

Views: 1570

Here's Part 3 of CNN Headline News on WFLD Channel 32, shown overnights, which replaced the vastly superior Nite-Owl. (incomplete - gets cut off when tape ends)

Featuring CNN anchors Sasha Foo and Bud Elliott. Stories Include:

- Recap of previous headlines.

- Johnny Cash performs marriage of daughter.

- Princess Diana says her new baby William is a blonde, not a redhead.

- Sports (cut-off)

This aired on...

WFLD Channel 32 - Emergency One (Promo, 1977-78)

Views: 1801

Here's a promo for Emergency One (original syndicated title for the 1972-77 series Emergency!) on WFLD Channel 32. This promo, with no voiceover, starts off with the station's then-current "Look At Us!" slogan (with Kaiser-era logo) and shows short segments from various Emergency! episodes.

Since this was from a master tape we can only assume that it would have had a voiceover by Ron Beattie and a super of the WFLD logo and show name at the end, when it ac...

The Lost Snipets - "Spinning Tops" (A FuzzyMemories Re-Creation)

Views: 1316

I had some additional Snipets segments but they were transferred from 16mm film and did not have the opening and closing on them. So, I did a little editing job and added them in. This was an early one, notice it's only 30 seconds long as opposed to the usual 1 minute length that most were in later years. I found something cool to add to this - the circa 1975 title for Snipets, during the Kaiser Broadcasting era! Notice it is a little different from the Field era one that took over...