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Results for: ' FM 97.9 radio station'

WMAQ Channel 5 - Le Disco - "Disco Star Wars Magic" (1978)

Views: 3557

More crazy 70's...they called the program Le Disco, but I call it "Disco Star Wars Magic"!

Severe Cheese Warning Ahead: The Village People are featured in this video!

This particular recording aired on local Rockford, IL TV on Saturday, August 19th 1978. (not Chicago, but close enough)

WREX Channel 13 - Dateline Weather (Promo, 1978)

Views: 2255

Here's a rare promo for WREX Channel 13 - Dateline Weather on Dateline Thirteen News. Featuring ??

Voiceover by ??

This aired on local Rockford, IL TV on Monday, January 9th 1978 at a little before 8pm! (not Chicago, but close enough)

The Disco Body Shaper (Commercial Offer, 1978)

Views: 8640

Here's a commercial for - if I didn't see it with my own eyes I would have thought it was a joke - the Disco Body Shaper. America's Newest Fitness Sensation!

Main voiceover by Bill Silver (same guy who did the Ginsu knives ads)

This aired on local Detroit TV on Tuesday, May 9th 1978. (Not Chicago TV, but still cool!)

WCIX Channel 6 - Snipets - "Bad for You" (1984)

Views: 2879

Here's another rare Snipets segment! These originally were created by and aired on the Kaiser Broadcasting / Field Communications stations such as WFLD Channel 32, in the 70s and early 80s. However, with the sale and dissolution of Field starting in 1982, for whatever reason Snipets segments popped up on a few other non-Field or former-Field stations, even as late as 1986!

This particular a...

WTTW Channel 11 - The Electric Company (Opening, 1983)

Views: 3004

Here's the opening for The Electric Company on WTTW Channel 11. Also includes a WTTW Station ID at the beginning with a classroom of kids.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, February 18th 1983 at 3:30pm.

WVTV Channel 18 - "One Moment Please" (1980)

Views: 3205

Here's a technical difficulty moment from an airing of Lost in Space on WVTV Channel 18 in Milwuakee. Here the film breaks or something and you see a "One Moment Please" slide with their stylized 18 logo for a few seconds before they cut to a Golden Grahams cereal commercial.

This aired on local Milwaukee TV in the Summer of 1980.

The Apple Bra (Commercial, 1980?)

Views: 1201

Here's a mostly complete commercial for The Apple Bra. Who's the spokeslady? She looks kind of familiar...

(beginning cut-off slightly and accidental overdub by the station from the program that this aired during - The Dick Van Dyke Show)

Available at Walgreens and Ribordy Drugs.

Why was Steve Jobs wasting his time with Ipods - he should have become a ladies bra salesman. That's where the real money is. How'dya like them apples?


Golden Grahams - "Beach Volleyball" (Commercial #1, 1981)

Views: 2853

Here's a commercial for Golden Grahams cereal. There was a slightly revised version a year later.

Featuring Missy Gold (Tracy Gold's younger sister). Missy starred in the 80's sitcom Benson.

This aired on local Milwaukee TV in the Summer of 1980.

WLS Channel 7 - "Season's Greetings" (1978)

Views: 2736

Here's a short station ID from WLS Channel 7 in which a (presumed) employee in the equipment room (notice the RCA TCR-100 videotape machine and carts in the background) wishes everybody Season's Greetings. Followed by 12 seconds of the ABC network logo as shaped in the 1978-79 season (remember their "We're the One" slogan?).

Can anyone ID the woman?

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, December 25th 1978 at 5pm.