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Results for: ' Steve Dahl'

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart - "Viewer Mail" (1975)

Views: 594

Here's the "Viewer Mail" segment of Popeye with Steve Hart which aired on WSNS Channel 44. This was from the original master tape, recorded on August 12th 1975. Includes:

Steve welcoming everybody back to the show, joined by the puppet "Bookie Worm" who advises this is Mail Day on which viewer mail is read; he says he will pick five winners, with the sixth to be invited to the lighthouse if they send a letter with the words "I Watch Popeye on Channel 44." Before readi...

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart - "Animal Corner" (1975)

Views: 457

Here's the "Animal Corner" segment of Popeye with Steve Hart which aired on WSNS Channel 44. This segment was hosted by Bob Hoffman. This was from the original master tape, recorded on August 12th 1975. Includes:

"Animal Corner" bumper and intro (voiceover by Steve Hart)

Bob Hoffman shows a baby pigeon, who is technically called a "squeaker" as he emphasizes. Even with background music, we can still hear this baby pigeon squeak, which is how they got t...

WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "Weather & Break" (1973)

Views: 4931

Here's an extremely vintage clip, all too brief unfortunately, but we see a WLS Channel 7 Eyewitness News Weather segment along with a commercial break. Includes:

Brief introduction with anchor Charles Rowe.

1st Part of the weather forecast with Steve Newman.

Commercial: First Federal Savings of Chicago - "The Saving Place" - Dearborn at Madison - 47th at Wood. (filmed at the Field Museum)

2nd Part of the weather forecast with Stev...

WLS Channel 7 - AM Chicago - Jon Erikson/Steve & Garry (Part 1, 1981)

Views: 5028

Here is Part 1 of AM Chicago on WLS Channel 7 featuring guests Jon Erikson and Steve & Garry. Includes:

Opening of AM Chicago hosted by Robb Weller (with voiceover by Fred Kasper) (thanks to Janice Kos for this info)

Interview with Jon Erikson - first person to swim the English Channel three times nonstop.

AM Chicago bumper teaser for Monday's show (The Stars of Hill Street Blues). Features music by Steve Winwood - "While You See A Chance".

Salvation Army Featuring Jayne Meadows & Steve Allen (PSA, 1982)

Views: 1507

Here's a public service announcement for the Salvation Army featuring husband and wife Jayne Meadows (sister of Audrey Meadows, of The Honeymooners fame) and comedian Steve Allen.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Saturday, November 27th 1982.

Salerno Chocolate Chip Mini Cookies with Cookie the Bear (Commercial, 1975?)

Views: 6236

Here's a commercial for Salerno Chocolate Chip Mini Cookies with Cookie the Bear.

I'm pretty sure this was locally produced at WSNS Channel 44.

Voice and puppetry of the bear by Steve Hart (of WSNS' Popeye with Steve Hart fame!)

This aired on local Chicago TV circa 1975.

WSNS Channel 44 - White Sox Baseball - "Disco Demolition Promo & Harry Catches a Foul Ball" (1979)

Views: 6426

Here's an incredible twofer - 1) A live voiceover promo given by Harry Caray and Jimmy Piersall for the infamous Disco Demolition event that took place the following night. Little did they know what was about to occur. They talk about Lorelei and how for some reason WLUP's call letters don't make sense to them.

2) Amazingly, right after they are done talking about WLUP, Greg Pryor pops up a foul ball behind him and Harry goes after it with his trusty fishing net and catches ...

WSNS Channel 44 - Popeye with Steve Hart - "The Greasy Gourmet" (1975?)

Views: 421

Here's a sketch from Popeye with Steve Hart on WSNS Channel 44, followed by the ending credits.

This sketch is titled "The Greasy Gourmet" (the title of which is a takeoff on The Galloping Gourmet), with Steve in the title role (and a bad French accent) and Nancy Boyle as his assistant. He announces his intention to make "ze French sian" (sp?) soup, with potato peels, celery, tomatoes, onions, seasoning, noodles and chicken (a rubber chicken, probably left over f...

NBC Network - The Steve Allen Comedy Hour - "Ending Credits With Lennon Promos" (1980)

Views: 3634

Here's the ending credits for The Steve Allen Comedy Hour which had a voiceover promo for the special John Lennon - The Man And His Music, immediately following the local news. There was also a bumper promo for it right after the credits, included here.

Voiceover by Howard Reig.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, December 9th 1980 a little before 10pm.