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Results for: 'Bozo's Circus / The Bozo Show Clips'
WGN Channel 9 - The Ray Rayner Show - "The Bye-Bye Show" (Part 2, 1981)
Views: 3569
Here is Part 2 of the final episode of The Ray Rayner Show as shown on WGN Channel 9. Includes:
"Kids in Chicago Having a Good Time" Ray Rayner bumper (Merri Dee voiceover)
Time, Weather, and Sports report given by Merri Dee.
Beginning of a cartoon.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, January 23rd 1981. @ 7:11am!
WGN Channel 9 - The Ray Rayner Show - "The Bye-Bye Show" - "Go Out Singing!" (Part 3, 1981)
Views: 4512
Here is Part 3 of the final episode of The Ray Rayner Show as shown on WGN Channel 9. Includes:
Ending of a cartoon
Time, Date, Weather, and Sports report shown
Ray Rayner singing "Mame" with Don Orlando playing the organ.
Time shown
Ray Rayner bumper slate (Merri Dee voiceover)
This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, January 23rd 1981. @ 7:18am!
WCIU Channel 26 - The Warren Freiberg Show (Part 3, 1981)
Views: 2601
Here's Part 3 of an episode of The Warren Freiberg Show on WCIU Channel 26. In case you weren't familiar with him, Warren Freiberg had some rather "extreme" and "fringe" opinions. He had a radio show, and you may also remember him turning up in little vignettes on Steve Dahl's "It's Too Early" show from 1983.
This part features Warren and Libby talking with video-recording pioneer (and comic book store pioneer) Larry Charet (yes, the legendary man who accidently recorded the Th...
WFLD Channel 32 - The Jack Benny Show (Break #2, 1974?)
Views: 2577
Finally - some WFLD stuff from the same batch that isn't from March 1971. ;-) Here is Break #2 from The Jack Benny Show on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:
On-Screen Station ID featuring the Kaiser-era 32 logo!
Public Service Annoucement for breast cancer from the American Cancer Society about the importance of breast exams for women.
WFLD - The Jack Benny Show - Bumper Slide (Bud Kelly voiceover announcer?)
Can anyone with access to th...
WGN Channel 9 - The Ray Rayner Show - "Clock Excerpts #1" (1971)
Views: 4589
The transfer of this video clip made possible by your generous donations!
Here's the good news - someone recorded The Ray Rayner Show at various times in the early seventies! Now the bad news - they only recorded the cartoons, and cut out nearly everything else. :-( I bring you the only snippets left - a few excerpts of the clock that they would show the time on, and in some cases, the chalkboard with the date, weather, and sports scores. Some might wonder why...
WFLD Channel 32 - The Jack Benny Show (Break #3, 1974?)
Views: 2049
Finally - some WFLD stuff from the same batch that isn't from March 1971. ;-) Here is Break #3, the last one, from The Jack Benny Show on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:
The Three Little Pigs - animated Anti-Smoking Public Service Annoucement from The American Cancer Society. "Save Your Breath. Don't Smoke Cigarettes."
Can anyone with access to the old TV guides find a listing for The Jack Benny Show on WFLD? Also, refresh my memory - when was Kaiser Broadcastin...
WFLD Channel 32 - The Gong Show (Ending & Break, 1978)
Views: 4483
Here's the ending and after show break for The Gong Show on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:
Gene-Gene, The Dancing Machine!
Ending credits for The Gong Show (ending voiceover by Ron Beattie - with promo for 10:30am Saturday movie - Laurel & Hardy in "Air Raid Wardens" (good for a double check on the date)
Bigsby & Kruthers
Loc Blocs - "Lego Vs. Loc Bloc"
The Egg Scrambler by Ronco (ending voiceover by Ron Beattie)
Son of Svengoolie - Assorted Clips Compilation (Part 3)
Views: 1041
Here is Part 3 of a compilation of assorted Son of Svengoolie clips. I did not make this compilation - it has been floating around the trading circles for a long time, and this is the best copy I've been able to find. It has some neat clips you will not see anywhere else.
Another clip-within-a-clip showing a segment from an earlier show - Tombstone's The Amazing No-Skin!
Bat-Sven (incomplete)
"Turkey Roll" song parody ...
WGN Channel 9 - Lead Off Man - "Opening Day With JFK" (Part 1, 1961)
Views: 2929
Here's Part 1 of an interesting piece of history - The beginning of the Lead-Off Man show on WGN Channel 9 on Opening Day 1961, White Sox At Washington, featuring an interview with the president.
Vince Lloyd interviews both John F. Kennedy and LBJ from the President's box. Hubert Humphrey and Everett Dirksen are right behind JFK. Panoramic shots of the old (and now long gone) Griffith Stadium, with the National Anthem. JFK throws out the first ball, caught by Jungle Jim Rive...