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Results for: ' Technical Difficulty Moments '

WBBM Channel 2 - It's Worth Knowing with Mary Jane Hayes (Opening, 1980)

Views: 2660

Here's the opening moments for the discussion show It's Worth Knowing on WBBM Channel 2, hosted by Mary Jane Hayes. The subject was Chicago's long association with railroads, dating back to 1848, and the guests were freelance transportation writer Fritz Plous; Evanston, IL radio broadcaster Roy Arpan, and photographer Bill Fahrenwald - all members of the ...

WTTW Channel 11 - Promos & Dr. Who Open (1984)

Views: 3944

Here are some promos and the opening for Dr. Who from WTTW Channel 11 in Chicago. Includes:

WTTW Promo for "You'll Never Get Rich" (Marty Robinson announcing) - Incomplete

WTTW Promo for "The Deadly Affair" (Not sure who the announcer is)

Thomson Vacations underwriting announcement by Marty Robinson

WTTW 11 Station ID - "Earnest"

Introduction to Dr. Who by Marty Robinson: "The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It drop...

WBBM Channel 2 - The Best of CBS - "The Night That Panicked America" (Opening & Pre-Movie Break, 1979)

Views: 1437

Here's the opening moments of The Best of CBS presentation of the 1975 made-for-TV movie "The Night That Panicked America" on WBBM Channel 2. Includes:

Station ID slide (seen briefly)

Show opening (slightly cut-off at the beginning?) with clip excerpts from upcoming film (opening voiceover by Jerry Harper) (music is "Heavy Action" by legendary production music composer Johnny Pearson - same music was used as the theme for Monday Night Football for many y...

WFLD Channel 32 - Tom and Jerry (Commercial Break #1, 1981)

Views: 1907

Here's the first commercial break of an edition of Tom and Jerry on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:

Ending moments of "Matinee Mouse" (1966), but with ending titles cut out

"Angry Tree" bumper with Loeki the Lion (A.K.A. Loeki De Leeuw), a Dutch animated character that Field Communications licensed for use on their stations (voiceover by Dr. Don Rose)

Commercial: 255 Computer Command (TM) Vette remote controlled car from LJN - 4C Batteries Not...

NBC Network - "Elvis Has Left The Building" (Part 1, 1977)

Views: 4611

Here is Part 1 of an NBC Special Report (on local Rockford affilliate WTVO Channel 17) from when it was first announced that Elvis Presley had died. Features Jackson Bain, David Brinkley, and Brian Ross reporting.

Notice the sound fades out at the end - this was the beginning of the technical difficulties moment which continues in Part 2.

This aired on local Rockford, IL TV on Tuesday, August 16th 1977. (not Chicago, but close enough)

WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Bride of Frankenstein" (Opening, 1983)

Views: 1023

Here's the opening moments of the Son of Svengoolie presentation of the 1935 film "Bride of Frankenstein" on WFLD Channel 32. (The recording came in a few seconds into the intro.) This was Episode #203 of the series, according to Chicago

This was a transitory period for 32, as Metromedia, Inc. had just recently assumed control of the station; however, WFLD at this point still maintai...

B.J. & Dirty Dragon - "Demo Reel" (1972)

Views: 2344

Here's a demo reel for B.J. & Dirty Dragon featuring Dave Dillman, director of the show, which aired on WFLD Channel 32. It features two examples of musical numbers from The Thumptwangers with Maynard the Crow, preceded by technical descriptions by Mr. Dillman. This was transferred from a 2" quad tape, which starts off with color bars and accompanying (approx.) 400 Hz tone.

First up is the Thumptwangers' lip-syncing (or beak-syncing, if you will) to Ray Stevens' "Fredd...

WCIU Channel 26 - Eddie Korosa's Polka Party - "Behind-The-Scenes Glimpse" (1979)

Views: 2047

During an airing of Eddie Korosa's Polka Party on WCIU Channel 26, the camera turns during a rendition of "All I Need Is You" to show some of the behind-the-scenes set-up. Thought you technical junkies out there might enjoy this little clip.

You can just make out the slide for the Baby Doll Polka Club on one of the monitors. :-)

Note: This recording was unfortunately made in Black & White even though the original broadcast was in color.


WBBM Channel 2 - Two On Two - "Remembering Riverview" (1981?)

Views: 3569

Here's a segment from the show Two on Two on WBBM Channel 2 about Riverview Park - for 63 years located at Belmont and Western on the Northwest side.

Bob Wallace reporting. (We also see a few moments of Harry Porterfield during the tag at the end)

Features Chuck Wlodarczyk - author of the book "Riverview: Gone but Not Forgotten. 1904-1967" and others reminiscing about the park.

Not sure when this aired exactly but it was likely Fall of 1981.