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Results for: 'Commercials or PSAs with TV/Movie/Sports Stars'

Dietac with Bill Bixby - "It Gives Your Diet a Fighting Chance" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 1049

Here's a commercial for a new diet pill from the makers of Contac, called Dietac. In time-release capsule form (with the same kind of slow-motion opening of the capsule and granules going all over the place as on Contac commercials). With Bill Bixby (then co-starring in The Incredible Hulk). Use only as directed.

(C) SmithKline 1980.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, August 28th 1980.

Muscular Dystrophy Fund Drive (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 1777

Here's a commercial for the Muscular Dystrophy Fund Drive - with contributions determined by sales of Budweiser and Natural Light beers in the month of August. All proceeds benefited the MDA.

Featuring Jerry Lewis, Ed McMahon and Norm Crosby.

This aired on local Chicago TV in mid-August 1981.

Spanish National Tourist Office - Senor Wences For Spain (Commercial, 1981)

Views: 3196

Here's a commercial from the Spanish National Tourist Office featuring ventriloquist Senor Wences.

"Spain - A lot more vacation for a lot less money."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, April 14th 1981.

California Prunes with David Faustino (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2105

Here's a commercial for prunes. That's it, just prunes. Paid for by the California Prune Board.

Featuring David Faustino, best known for playing "Bud Bundy" in Married with Children, as the little boy waiting his turn for a prune.

"Plump, moist and snackin' good."

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 23rd 1980.

Lum's With Milton Berle (Commercial, 1976)

Views: 32806

Here's a commercial for Lum's (or LUMS) restaurant featuring Milton Berle. Did they have these in the Chicagoland area?

"You get a better choice when you choose Lums."

This aired on local Detroit TV on Sunday, November 7th 1976 during the 6pm to 7pm hour.

Pabst Blue Ribbon With Jason Alexander (Commercial, 1984)

Views: 3413

Here's a commercial for Pabst Blue Ribbon beer featuring Jason Alexander of Seinfield fame - who we also saw in this commercial.

"Pabst Is The Place"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, February 2nd 1984.

Atari 2600 - "Play It!" (Commercial, 1978)

Views: 1591

Here's an early commercial for the Atari 2600 VCS (Video Computer System) featuring shots from the Atari Star Ship, Black Jack, and Basketball cartridges - and featuring the celebrities Carol Channing and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Only 20 cartridges were available at the time.

"Don't Just Watch Television Tonight - Play It!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 26th 1978.

The Eight Days of Hanukkah - "Charity" with Alan King (1980)

Views: 1193

Here's a short piece on one of the aspects of the eight days of Chanukah, with legendary comedian and producer Alan King talking about the many different ways charity is given, and telling a tale of a respected rabbi and his envious driver. With illustrations.

This airing was brought to you by Marshall Field's (voiceover by Merri Dee).

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, December 4th 1980.

Members Only Jackets With Anthony Geary (Commercial, 1982)

Views: 7537

Here is a commercial for those cheesy 80's fashion staples - the Members Only Jacket - with Anthony Geary of General Hospital fame.

Love that Members Only "Tux" look...

"When you put it on...something happens"

This was the featured video on the "Surfin' The Net" segment of the Monday, March 19, 2007 edition of the WGN Morning News. (My thanks to Andrew Lennie for recommending it to them)

This commercial aired on local Chicago ...