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Results for: ' Weather Alerts / Weather Updates and Related Items'

KMBC Channel 9 - Sunday, Nuclear Sunday: Kansas City Reacts (Part 2, 1983)

Views: 453

Here's Part 2 of the live, special discussion program Sunday, Nuclear Sunday: Kansas City Reacts on KMBC Channel 9 in Kansas City, MO. This show, which aired right after the ABC telefilm The Day After, was hosted by Larry Moore (formerly of WLS Channel 7).

This part starts off with Larry asking FEMA regional director Patrick Breheny about the agency's level of preparedness (at one point he promotes a booklet entitled "In Time of Emergency"). Next Dr. Jennifer Le...

Alan Dixon - Democrat For Senate (Political Ad, 1980)

Views: 430

Here's a political ad for Alan J. Dixon - Democratic candidate for Senator of the State of Illinois.

From Wikipedia:

In the fall of 1970, Karl Rove, a future White House Deputy Chief of Staff in the George W. Bush Administration, used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Illinois State Treasurer, and stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead. Rove then printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free ...

SportsChannel - The Sports Writers On TV (Part 3, 1991)

Views: 8677

Here's an episode of The SportsWriters on TV, as aired on SportsChannel - one of the hosts of which we lost recently (Bill Gleason).

Featuring Bill Jauss of the Chicago Tribune, Rick Telander of Sports Illustrated, Bill Gleason from the South Bend, Indiana Tribune, and hosted by Ben Bentley.

In Part 3, they discuss the annoyances of cell phones on golf courses and whether they should be banned there.


Commercial: Old Style b...

SportsChannel - The Sports Writers On TV (Part 6, 1991)

Views: 1324

Here's an episode of The SportsWriters on TV, as aired on SportsChannel - one of the hosts of which we lost recently (Bill Gleason).

Featuring Bill Jauss of the Chicago Tribune, Rick Telander of Sports Illustrated, Bill Gleason from the South Bend, Indiana Tribune, and hosted by Ben Bentley.

In Part 6, they discuss women who fish for bass and a contest that excluded them.


Commercial: Old Style beer with Dennis Farina - "It'...

WSNS Channel 44 - Chicago White Sox Baseball (Clean Opening, 1978)

Views: 3512

Here's a rarity for you baseball fans out there - the clean opening for Chicago White Sox games as aired on WSNS Channel 44, as it looked before the voices of the announcers and the sponsor billboards were added on for each game.

Ronald Vasser wrote, produced and directed this opening, with editing by Ron Vasser and Mike Torchia.

This copy was dubbed by Marc Claussen and Edward Keker on June 22nd 1978, as shown at the beginning of this clip (with approx. 425 Hz t...

WMAQ Channel 5 - Editorial 5 - "Some Good News" (1978)

Views: 918

Here's an editorial by Dillon Smith, Editorial Director of WMAQ Channel 5, soaking in the sun at poolside outdoors during a company outing, and summarizing some good news of the summer season:

- Regional Transportation Authority promising no fare increases in the near future

- 1,200 people take advantage of Mayor Bilandic's mortgage plan offered at 8 percent interest

- Crime in Chicago down 8.8 percent, according to Police Superintendent Jim O'Grad...

Screaming Yellow Theater (Svengoolie) - "Larry Lujack" (1972)

Views: 2591

Here's a segment from Screaming Yellow Theater - the original Svengoolie, which aired on WFLD Channel 32 from 1970-1973. Svengoolie was played by Jerry G. Bishop.

This Break #2 from an unknown episode number features Larry Lujack - "Superjock" disc jockey from (at the time) WLS-AM 890 radio.

I'm thinking that "SYT #1" as the clapboard person says, refers to the fact that it's Movie #1. (2 movies a night were shown for most of the run of SYT)


WGN Channel 9 - Lead Off Man - "Opening Day With JFK" (Part 2, 1961)

Views: 3170

Here's Part 2 of an interesting piece of history - The beginning of the Lead-Off Man show on WGN Channel 9 on Opening Day 1961, White Sox At Washington, featuring an interview with the president.

Vince Lloyd interviews both John F. Kennedy and LBJ from the President's box. Hubert Humphrey and Everett Dirksen are right behind JFK. Panoramic shots of the old (and now long gone) Griffith Stadium, with the National Anthem. JFK throws out the first ball, caught by Jungle Jim Rive...

WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter5 At 5pm - "The Blizzard of '78" (Part 3, 1978)

Views: 2363

Everyone remembers the great Blizzard of '79 - but how many people remember the Blizzard of 1978? Before the big snow in 1979 hit, this seemed fairly significant I guess, although not as bad as the Big Snow of 1967. Was this just a case of snow-perbole? You decide.

Here is Part 3, the final part, of some footage from the NewsCenter5 airing at 5pm on WMAQ Channel 5, with Mike Jackson, Ron Hunter, and Jerry Taft. Also features a very brief glimpse of one of WMAQ-TV's sports guys...